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The time past quickly, and all through the halls of Boundary High

were banners positing "THE CLASS OF 72", everyone was

excited even James because this was his last year at Boundary

High, however his brother Josh had other plans for the graduation

simply because this was not his last year, he had another year in

high school, a school he hated attending. Still James had to find

away to stop Josh from causing destruction during the graduation.

Meanwhile, Johnnie showed his attendance letter to his father.

"Johnny, what did the letter say?" Scott asked.

"I was accepted in Groom town University."

"That's great! I didn't know you applied there."

"Yeah, because of the land my grandparents own, they wanted

me to go to an agriculture College."

"You know that is where you were born?"

"No Dad, I didn't know my life has been such a lie for a long time, I wasn't sure where I was born."

"I know, and that's my fault, I shouldn't have kept so much from you, I'm sorry."

"Dad, everything is fine now and there is nothing to be sorry about, you were only trying to protect me. I know that now."

Not knowing Johnny applied there Ronnie applied there also,

because Bernice wanted her and her son to go home.

"Ronnie, a letter from Groom town University came for you,"

Bernice said while waiting so anxious for Ronnie to open his letter.

As he read the letter silently he deliberately made faces to confuse

Bernice of the outcome of the letter, his forehead began to

wrinkle, his lips turned upside down into a frown, and then he

dropped his hand holding the letter to his side and said.

"I got in!" he shouted.

Because of Ronnie's facial expressions, she could not believe

he got in, she stood there in shock, still, all she could do is


"Boy don't you ever scare me like that again!"

As they both laughed with excitement she told him to get ready

for your graduation because you are going to be late.

Ronnie ran to his room to get ready for graduation, but all the

while he was thinking of the loss of his new found family. He was

not sure he wanted to say goodbye just yet. As he was

reminiscing, the two years, that past so quickly and how it began

up until now; a smile came over his face, knowing no matter how

far he lived he would never forget his family.

Meanwhile, while everyone was lining up in their caps and gowns, looking distinguish, Josh was backstage planting homemade firebombs next to the stage curtains, hoping it would interrupt the graduation, when James caught him and tried to stop him, by stumping out the fire.

"Josh, this is my graduation too, why would you want to hurt me, if this goes off while I'm crossing the stage it could hurt me too."

"Yeah, well, you are with them too, so what of it?" Josh said while James was busy putting out the fire when his robe caught on fire, both boys began to put out the fire.

"Now I don't have a gown to march in, I hope you are satisfied."

"No, James I'm not. Don't you get it, man, I worked hard to bring these White people down, and all you did was get in my way."

"You, are going to miss out on a lot just being angry all the time. Let it go, Josh, just let it go!"

Josh just looked at James and walked away, and the ceremony went on as scheduled.

Marching down the aisles came the graduates alone with the valedictorian Jessie Hamilton, her valedictory speech was beautiful,

"I know we had a hard year, we had tears, we had laughter, but through it all, we had the love for one another, and we should take that love out into the world with pride because we worked hard to get here, and now it's time to show the world us! Congratulation class of 72."

On that note, everyone threw up their caps and cheered; pictures were taken and hugs and kisses were given; the graduation was over and it was time to pack and move back home. Bernice moved back into her father's house to try and sell it to the man who brought the land, therefore she can allow Ronnie to stay on campus and she can go back home.

Ronnie went to visit some of his old friends. He was glad to tell

them he was attending Old Groom town this year.

"What? Man everybody is leaving this old town and you are coming back.I think you and your Mom got it backward," West said.

"Well, I don't care I'm glad t be back home."

West Westmoreland, is an old buddy of Ronnie, they went to

grade school together. Unfortunately, West was going to Howard

University this year.

"Hi Ronnie, it is good to see you."

"Yeah, you too Alice."

"I'm going to Groom town this year too."

"Are you?"

"Yeah, and I'm glad you are back."

Alice Thompson has had a crush on Ronnie ever since junior

high but she never told him, because of all the guys in their school

always looked at Alice like one of the boys and she was afraid that

they would poke fun at her if she would let her feelings for

Ronnie came out.

"Alice, What's your major?"

"I haven't made up my mind. I going to prep day and see what instructor is cool and that will be my major."

"What? Well, with that attitude, you are lucky you even get in," Ronnie said and they both laughed.

The fall country air seemed so pure to Johnnie when he first

arrived at his grandfather's house he could not believe his eyes,

because when he came there as a little boy he thought the corn

fields were just woods he could not believe how much land his

grandfather had and now while he lives there he will be working the


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