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The Day Of The Party - PART 1

"Hey Mom I'm home,"Ronnie yelled, while thinking he now has two sisters, and a brother that he didn't know anything about.

"Wow, you are early. So what's going on? Why are you home so early? Bernice said while taking out some new clothes for Ronnie's birthday. "Happy birthday son. So why are you home early?"

"We did not have practice today. Thanks, Mom, Mom, Did you know Dad has three kids living with him, I've got two sisters and a brother, and they are having a Halloween party, which is really Johnnie birthday party and since it is mine also, do you mind if I go?"

"No I don't mind, are you going?"

"Well, Jamie did invite me I just don't know about Johnnie. So I might go, just to bug him."

"You know, you are really one strange young man."

Bernice laughed with Ronnie but Bernice had something cooking

up her sleeves of her own. Bernice felt she could go disguised, as a student, hoping no one would recognize her, little did she know the party is going to be at Janice's house.

Meanwhile, at Tim's house, Tim and David were planning to crash

the Halloween party.

Johnnie misses Tim, he would be there helping set up for the party if they were still speaking to one another, but Johnnie hasn't spoken to Tim since before the football

game. Johnnie saw David and Tim hanging out together but

still, Johnnie is ready to forgive Tim as long as Tim does not come

to the party with David, if Tim shows up at that party with David

then that would be the end of their friendship. Johnnie would look

at that as a betrayal from Tim knowing how David is Johnnie's

number one enemy.

"David did you hear about Johnnie's...." before Tim

could finish.

"Man, what did I tell you about that name?"

"Okay, but, I was going to say it's a birthday party too, I mean, it's you know who's birthday and a Halloween party? You know, throwing a couple of more eggs tonight, after all, it is Halloween, let's throw some at our enemies too."

"Yeah, that will be cool too, let's finish filling these balloons up with water."

When David and Tim showed up at Johnnie's house, Johnnie

would not let them in.

"Come on man." Tim Pleaded. "We want to party too."

"Don't beg him, Tim, give me some of those eggs, when he peep his head out, I'm going smack him in the face with a few eggs."

"Yeah, and I'll crown him with a water balloon."

Johnnie did stick his head out to yell, "Tim you and David need to leave before I call......" Before Johnnie could finish speaking, David threw an egg in his face and Tim threw the water balloon in Johnnie's eyes, then ran off laughing.

Later as the party, seem to be getting along well, David and Tim hung outside the house trying to get in, by hustling the guess hoping someone might feel sorry for them and sneak them in but no one did.

Meanwhile, Rose showed up at the party. "Tim, what are you doing out here? I know, the party is a drag," Rose asked.

"I don't know Johnnie won't let me in," Tim replied.

" How about you slipping us in?" David smiled.

"Hell no, you aren't getting me band from the Party, see ya," Rose said while going in the house, and Sammie spotted her right away.

"My girl is here," Sammie said while she was letting Rose in the door.

"Girl this party is the most, it is some good looking guys in here, hum let me get my groove on," Rose commented.

Soon there was another knock on the door, "Sammie, somebody else is here," Rose yelled.

"Jamie and Johnnie, your friend is here, hi, Miss. Jessie Hamilton."

"Jessie, come on in, I'm so glad you could make it. Johnnie is going to be so please," Jamie stated.

"Oh, he will," Jessie replied, with a smile from ear to ear.

While Ronnie gets ready for the party, his mother is getting

her act together also.

"Bye Mom, I'm about to cut-out now."

Bernice, watch Ronnie walk down the street, she threw on her

clothes and went right behind Ronnie. However, Bernice drove her

car, in order to catch up with Ronnie, she then parked down the

street from where Ronnie was walking. Bernice got out of her car

and walked the rest of the way, but she kept her distance so she

would not be noticed by Ronnie. Bernice follows Ronnie to where

the party is supposed to be, to see if she could see Scott, still there

was no Scott, she went in the house and dance a little while, and

then she walked through the house to see if she could find Scott,

While walking through the house many kids introduce themselves,

but no one knew Bernice and wonder where she came from.

Bernice could not remember all of their names but she tried so she

can play it cool. She then peeped in the master bedroom.

"What's up with you?" Rose asked, "Why are you snooping around in my girl's mom's bedroom?"

"Hey, Gail, that is your name right?" Bernice asked.

"Oh no, it's Rose. Now you answer my question or I'm calling Sammie or Johnnie."

"I got lost I was looking for a bathroom, most master has a bathroom since the one in the hall was occupied I thought that I would use this one."

"Not at all so get out of there, NOW! Because my girls' mom doesn't want nobody using her bathroom."

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