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"Grandpa, is there anyway I can stay on campus?"

"Why would you want to do that son? On campus you can't learn how to work the fields, there is nothing like on hand experience, being here you can get first hand on how to work the land," Mr. Payne said, while Johnnie mumbles to himself.

"Grandpa, I really would be more independent if I lived on campus."

"Nonsense boy, independence is earning your keep."

When Johnnie arrived at the college, the students in registration

was pointing at him, Johnnie could not help but notices how rude

they were being but the students could not believe how much this

White boy looked a lot like Ronnie. Coming across the campus

grounds, Johnny spotted Ronnie, Alice and West walking up.

"Ronnie," Johnnie called out.

"Come on West," Ronnie said. "I want you to meet my brother."

"Your brother? Ronnie did you forget, I knew you in grade school and Ronnie you had no brother."

"Well now I do, and I have two sisters also," Ronnie claimed

to West as he walked towards Johnnie.

"Johnnie, what are you doing here? I spotted across the yard, I couldn't believe my eyes, how did you know about this College?" Ronnie questioned with amazement as West and the other students stood in shock that Ronnie knew the White boy and was calling him his brother, forget the fact they look alike they were not the same race, or so the student thought.

"No Ronnie, What are you doing here? I applied to this College because my, or our Grandfather wanted me to go here."

"Johnny, I live here this is where we were born.

Oh West and Alice, this is my brother Johnnie and

Johnnie, this is Alice and West, my two best friends."

"Yeah, a friend you never told you had a brother." West


"Yeah, we got two sisters too," Johnny commented.

"Yeah, I already told him that when we saw you."

"Oh yeah, Dad told me we were born here, and he told me just before graduation. So, Ronnie where are you staying?"

"Well, right now with Mom in her father's house, but she plans to go back home, and I'll be staying on campus."

"Man, you say that like he wasn't your grandfather."

"Well, that's only because he would not accept me as his grandson, because I was the son of a White man.

"Hey, sorry about that man, I wanted to stay on campus, but granddad insisted I live with him, hey, why don't you stay with us and save those campus fees?"

"Yeah, but you better asked him first."

"Yeah, I can do that."

"Well, will you asked and let me know tomorrow?"


"Come on let me show you around."

When Ronnie got home he let his mother know that Johnnie in

here in town attending Groom town College.

"Oh that's great, you two weren't separated."

"Mom, that's not all, he asked me to stay with him and his, well, our Grandfather."

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