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Scott wasn't sure if wanted to see Bernice as of yet

considering the way he took her child and never came back; she

might just give him a little trouble, tired and worn out Scott parked

in his driveway thinking to himself while waiting on the kids to

come home from school. It was late and all of his kids were

involved with some kind of after school project. The wind blew the

leaves from the trees swiftly across the school grounds. It was late

in the evening, the end of another school day. Jamie ran and caught

up with Johnnie, she did not know what she could say to convince

Johnnie to come clean about his race, still she had to try.

"Johnnie, how can you go on knowing a lie, and living with it? Don't answer that, because I know how, because you aren't the one who told the lie, Dad is, because he wasn't the one who has to suffer we are. Dad is White so he would not have to face people about this lie."

"Yeah, people have known us as White, now after all these years, we were Black. Now, maybe there are a lot of White people who would like the fact of waking up the next day to find themselves Black, but I'm not one of them. I was proud of my race."

"Johnnie you can still be proud because you have got the luxury of two different kinds of culture inside of you, that's more than just one race, so it's not really a problem."

"So why is it a problem with you? Jamie, it's not the race that's a problem, it's the lie, I don't want to confirm that I've been living a lie all this time, and to convince people that I didn't know, would be like establishing the fact I am ignorant. I just can't go there."

"I know," Jamie replied.

"Jamie, Dad is a coward."

"Now we are on the same page."

"No! Jamie, we are not on the same page, we aren't even in the same book, and I can not revile that information about our color right now because of the elections. Please, Jamie; please, just wait until after the elections of the student council."

"But, what if it gets out during the elections? Johnnie, it's best to say something now, before the students find out; you know how our age group hates fakes."

"I know, but no, Jamie I'm not ready, besides, I think Ronnie knows something, but how could he, he just got here he doesn't know anyone here; or does he?"

"How do you know he knows something?"

"He called me....well fake."

"What? Johnnie, you might be right, you saw the way he looked at Dad as if he knew something."

"Yeah Jamie, I know he knows by the smart remarks he makes. And if you didn't say anything to him who did? Does Sammie

know him?"

"No, she doesn't. Well I don't know who she knows, you know Sammie, she sees only the person, and she gives everybody the chance to prove themselves. So she meets no strangers."

"Well, I strongly believe, he knows something but how and what? I don't know."

"Johnnie, if you are right and he does know something then he could very well use it towards his campaign and then what will you do?"

"So what, if he does use it for his campaign, the students will be shocked sure, but they will still think he was being petty,

either way, he loses. Jamie, I really don't think he will stoop that low."

"I hope you are right, I would hate to think he was like that because I really like him."

"No you don't; Jamie, please tell me you are joking, because I don't want to have to hurt this guy because I will."

"Yeah Johnnie, just pulling your leg, ha, ha," laughed Jamie, as she walks away with love in her heart, for Ronnie.

This was the boys' senior year in high school. Jamie and

Sammie were only juniors in high school, although Jamie is at her

junior year, because of her intellectual abilities she has some senior

classes, with Johnny and Ronnie.

The next morning, Ronnie caught up with Jamie to ask her to help

him with his campaign, and since Jamie was in some of their

classes Ronnie thought Jamie was a senior.

"Hi Jamie, wait up."

"Now what does he want?"

"Be nice, Johnnie."

"Hi Jamie, wonder if you feel up to it, you can help me with my campaign?"

"Look, man, why are you bugging my sister?"

"That's your sister? I thought she was just a friend," Ronnie replied, but he had to catch his self before he said too much, Ronnie knows exactly who Jamie is to the both of them. "Okay man, I just need some help with my campaign...," Ronnie, quickly tried to close the conversation so he can walk away quickly, but before he could finish his sentence; Johnnie jumped in, and began yelling at him.

"Yeah man, you need help because I'm going to obliterate you. But no, she is not helping you, she is helping me."

"Yeah man, I figure as much, being that's your sister and all,"

Ronnie still trying to get away.Johnnie step back and looked at

Ronnie, Johnnie wonder why was Ronnie suddenly being nice. This stopped Ronnie cold in his tracks as he looked up at Johnnie, both boys had puzzling look on their faces.

"I can't help either of you," Jamie said. "Well not until you both start acting like human beings, besides I can only do it silently since juniors aren't allowed to participate in seniors actives."

"Oh, please relax," Ronnie said. "That's good enough for me, all I'm asking is for you to just write up something for my campaign since I don't know what the school is really lacking; just some

posters, speeches, also some suggestions, but only if you have the time. I'm not really trying to beat Johnnie, I just want some recognition because I'm in a new school and what better way to gain friends than through a campaign."

"I told you, Ronnie Perry." Johnnie scorned. "She can't help you, she is helping me, her brother."

"Sure man anything you say," Ronnie said as he finally walked away.

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