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After the boys received the okay about staying on campus they were so glad they ran out the door and into the corn field, after running pass the corn field they could see how much land their Grandfather own.

"I'll race you to that apple tree," Johnnie said then started running, however, Ronnie caught up and passed him.

"This is all your land?"

"You know this is going to be ours one day, but we are not going to be framers, we are going to build a shopping center, where everybody in town will be bringing their goods to sale and others will bring their money to shop, we will be millionaires."

"Yeah, well keep dreaming, because Mom said only you can make your dreams come true, you just have to believe enough in yourself to make it happen."

"Yeah," both boys said after grabbing an apple from the old apple tree then laid down under the tree and began to dream.

Meanwhile, Bernice was back at home and that big house felt lonely without Ronnie, this was the first time they had ever been separated and though she only spend a short time with Johnnie his absence brought tears to her eyes. Bernice spends her days doing overtime at work so she didn't have to go into that lonely house, to her it was a lonesome summer.

Months pass and the Fall was here, and it was time to get back to school, Sammie and Jamie was going to school for the first time without their brother Johnnie, and because the boys were having so much trouble with Josh, they felt he might start something with them, however, they were wrong, because Josh no longer had James by his side he was quiet and stayed pretty much to himself.

One day Sammie saw Josh in the library all by his self and approached him.

"You are Josh, right?"

"Yeah, so what of it?"

"I hear, you are a Panther, a Black Panther."


"So, my sister said you are a fake."

"Where is your sister, let her tell it to my face."

"I'm not going to tell you where my sister is, she is not a fighter. But I'm here, so tell me what you want to say, my sister."

"But you said your sister is the one who called me fake."

"But I'm the one who said it to your face, so I'm the one you want to deal with. So let's tango," Sammie said and her classmates overheard and started gathering around.

"Another time," Josh said as he looked around and saw guys bigger than him coming to Sammie's rescue.

"Yeah, I'll be waiting."

Days later Josh saw Jamie and approached her to clarify as to what Sammie said was true.

"Hey girl, I hear you called me a fake Panther, is it true?"

"What are you talking about? Josh, I know you are a problem child so I am just going to ignore you right now and just walk away."

"No you aren't going anywhere; your sister said you called me fake and I want to know if it's true."

Feeling she is in a compromising situation, especially when she felt the suspicion of her sister has been running off at the mouth while underestimating what she was saying about fake Panthers.

"Look, Josh my sister exaggerated of what I was saying, it wasn't you I was talking about, it was a group of kids walking by us and I just said they weren't real Panthers, now if you were in that group, then yeah, I was talking about you too."

"I don't know if I was there that day, because, I don't know what day you're talking about."

"See, it wasn't you!"

He just looked at Jamie and walked away mumbling to his self.

Meanwhile, while dragging their bags across the college campus, Ronnie and Johnnie were searching for the residential housing. While searching Johnnie picks up a campus activities program.

"Hey Ronnie, we don't have to go home at all the activities in this program will keep us busy all season."

"Yeah, cool let's just find our dorm room; these bags are heavy."

"I told you to get the bags with wheels, but no--- you are strong enough to handle your bags yourself."

"Oh great, this is it!"

"Yeah, and here is mine, I was hoping we could shear a room?"

"Ronnie, we are right across from each other, what's the big deal?"

"Who is in the room with you? I got a Timothy Mooney; let's see if we can tread off sleeping partners."

Just someone walked in Johnnie's room,

"Hi, I'm James Bass,"

"Yeah, I'm Johnnie Payne, that's my brother over there Ronnie Perry, twins but we grew up in different households. We were wondering if you would let my brother and I bunk together and you and Tim, shear a room."

"Well, since we are right across the hall from each other, I can't see where it would hurt; sure we can switch."

All four boys did everything together, they even had some classes

together. To Johnnie and Ronnie life on campus was great so far.

The twins went to college in Bernice's hometown, the town in

which they were born in After their freshmen year, together with

their grandfather's help, they began building a shopping center on

the land right beside the apple tree still stands alone with five little

apple trees on each side of the parking lot, and they plan to call it

The Perry & Payne Center.

Even though Lewis Payne wanted his grandsons to work the land

he was glad they work together on something, and he would have

done anything to be a part of his grandson's lives.

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