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Specs and Tucker were outside packing up their van

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Specs and Tucker were outside packing up their van. They began arguing about a book.

"Dude, I got some amazing shots. We're gonna write a book, and my photos are going to be the main selling point" Tucker said

"Not the main selling point but they will be important. They'll definitely be important" Specs said.

"A pictures worth a thousand words" 

"Yeah but words are worth a thousand words too" Suddenly, Tucker nudged Specs with his arm and then motioned towards Jessie, who was walking towards them. 

"I'm not going to let you two leave without saying goodbye" she said. First she hugged Tucker, and he returned it. Specs couldn't help but feel a twinge of jealousy.

"Jessie, you're an author. What do you think is more important? Words or pictures?" Tucker asked.

"Well, I write books that only require words but for you two, I'd recommend an even scale of both" Tucker gave Jessie a nod before he left Jessie and Specs alone. 

"So, is there a chance that I'll ever see you again?" Specs asked.

"You still have my number, right?" Jessie asked, to which Specs replied with a nod. "All you have to do is call me, and I'll come see you" 

"Great. I will definitely call you soon. Now, do I get a hug goodbye?"

"Specs" Jessie whispered, leaning in close to his face. "You get more than just a hug" With that, her lips were on his. Specs melted into the kiss with his hands landing on her waist. Their kiss only lasted for about thirty seconds (although it seemed like a lifetime to him).

"Wow" Was all that Specs could mutter out. Jessie gave him a smile before she retreated back into the house. Tucker once again appeared beside Specs, having witnessed their intimate moment.

"Looks like you've got yourself a girlfriend" Tucker said.


When Jessie went back into the house, Renai and Lorraine were in the kitchen with Dalton as he was pigging out on spaghetti. She however, continued on into the living room where Elise was.

"Elise?" Jessie said. Elise turned around and smiled at Jessie. The younger woman enveloped the older woman in a hug. "I wanted to thank you. If it wasn't for you, I don't think Dalton would be here anymore"

"Jessie, don't thank me. Thank your brother" Elise said

"Josh would be---"

"Not Josh, your other brother" Jessie gave Elise a puzzled look. 

"I only have one brother"

"I'm surprised your mother never told you. Why do you think Benny has attached himself to you, and your family? It didn't happen by random"

"Elise, are you suggesting that Benny is my brother?"

"Not just your brother. He's your twin brother" Elise put her hand on Jessie's shoulder. "You should go talk to Lorraine"


That's what Jessie did. She went into the kitchen and asked to speak to Lorraine in private. The two of them found themselves in Jessie's room. They sat on her bed.

"Sweetheart, what's going on?" Lorraine asked.

"Mom, do Josh and I have a brother?" Jessie asked. 

"I knew you'd find out eventually. Elise told you, didn't she?" Jessie responded with a nod. "I'm surprised Benny never told you. He's your twin brother, Benjamin Lambert. Unfortunately, he never survived birth. I was heartbroken but I was happy that I at least still had you. When we came home from the hospital, your father and I just told Josh that he had a little sister. We never once mention Benny to either you or Josh. When I started seeing him in the photos, I knew who he was right away. His face looked so much like yours, I knew that it was him"

"So, that's why I've been seeing him. That's why he's been protecting us. That's why he helped Josh find Dalton" 

"I guess he never completely died. Physically he's not here, but spiritually he always will be. Even if you're the only one who can see him" 

"She doesn't have to be the only one mom" Benny's voice said. Lorraine turned around and saw her youngest son. She got off the bed and started walking towards him. She put her hand on his cheek.

"Ben, you've become such a handsome man, but I don't understand. How have you managed to age?" Lorraine asked.

"Part of me is still alive with Jessie" he said. Lorraine shed a tear and hugged him.

"You know I never forgot about you. I've loved you ever since the day you were born" 

"I know that mom. I love you too" 


When Jessie was heading back to the living room, she heard Renai give a shriek. She joined her sister-in-law and that's when she saw Elise's dead body.

"Renai, what happened?" Jessie asked.

"I don't know! Where's Josh?" Renai asked. Jessie looked on the ground and saw the camera. She picked it up and looked at the photo. She nearly dropped the camera when she saw who was in the photo. It was the Old Woman from the childhood pictures of Josh and Jessie. 

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