thirty three

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Warning: This chapter does contain attempted rape and self harm. If you don't feel comfortable reading or if it's a trigger, there is no need to read this chapter. If you do wish to read on, then please do so.

For the next few days, Jerry has been making all sorts of unwanted advances towards, from whispering disgusting comments in her ear to inappropriate lingering touches. Of course, Lorraine didn't notice any of this. Jerry wasn't stupid enough to do it while she was in the room. Unfortunately for him, Josh wasn't oblivious to catch on to what he was doing. 

From the minute Jerry stepped through their front door, Josh had a very bad vibe about Jerry. These vibes only grew worse every time he saw his sister's face whenever Jerry was with her. It didn't take long before he noticed all the whispering and touches. He knew he should say something to Lorraine, but he also thought he should talk to Jessie about it first. 


Josh approached his shared room with Jessie. The door was closed and it was very quiet in the room, except for the sound of quiet whimpers. He knocked on the door.

"Jessie, it's Josh" 

"G-go away" Jessie stuttered.

"No Jess, I need to talk to you. I'm coming in" Josh opened the door, and immediately panicked at what he saw. Jessie was sitting on the bed, crying. There was blood dripping on the floor from the cuts she had made in her wrists. "Jessie, what did you do?" Josh immediately went to his closet and found an old shirt he hardly wears anymore. He kneeled in front of her and wrapped the shirt around her wrists.

"I can't take it anymore Josh" 

"Can't take what any more?" 

"Jerry. He tells me things like "he's going to make my first time special" and "what a nice body I have." I hate when he touches me. It started with my shoulders and my legs, but now he's starting to grope my breasts when mom's not around. I just want it to stop Josh!" Jessie leaned into her brother and cried into his shoulder. He protectively wrapped his arms around her.

"The only way we're going to do anything is if you tell anyone. Like mom or the police" 

"No way! This is mom's first serious boyfriend since dad--" 

"I know Jess, but you're her daughter. You're way more important than any guy that mom dates" Jessie stared at Josh for a moment, thinking about what she should do.

"Fine, I'll tell her, but you have to give me time, and don't tell her for me" Jessie pleaded.

"I promise I won't" Josh said.


It was about two o'clock in the morning. Jerry had woken up, unable to contain his urges for Jessie any longer. Without waking Lorraine, he crept to Jessie and Josh's shared bedroom. He knew he had to be quiet, otherwise he'd risk waking up Josh. He crawled into bed with Jessie and began stroking her hair. Jessie's eyes shot open, and when she saw Jerry, she wanted to scream. However, he put his hand over her mouth. 

"Shh, don't scream princess. It's time princess. I can't wait any longer and I know you can't either" Jerry said. Jessie shook her head. "Let's get this shirt off of you" Using one hand, he managed to rip her shirt open. Luckily, she was wearing a bra but she still felt so exposed to him. She began to tear up, and only muffled mumbles came out of her mouth. "Look at you princess. You've got such a sexy little body" Jerry leaned in and started kissing her neck, while at the same time, he began to pull his pants down. Jessie was struggling to get away.

Fortunately, Josh had woken up and made his way to Lorraine's room, without being noticed by Jerry. He managed to wake Lorraine up, and she looked up at him, noticing the wet streaks on his face. 

"Josh, what's wrong? Where's Jerry?" Lorraine asked.

"He's in Jessie's room. He's on top of her. He's trying to rape her"  Josh said. Lorraine didn't even hesitate for a second. She ran out of the room and into the kitchen. She searched the drawers until she found a large, sharp kitchen knife. Gripping the knife in her hand, Lorraine rushed to her son and daughter's bedroom. A wave of anger came over her when she saw Jerry on top of her daughter, pulling down her pyjama pants.

"You sick son of a bitch!" Lorraine said. She grabbed Jerry by the collar of his shirt, pulling him off of her daughter. She slammed him down on the floor and straddled him. She rose the knife in the air, and Jerry quickly noticed what she was about to do.

"L-Lorraine, please don't do this. That slut daughter of yours came onto me" Jerry attempted to defend himself.

"Don't you fucking dare call my daughter a slut!" The knife came down fast, first piercing Jerry in the stomach. Lorraine kept stabbing him in various places including once near the heart and once in the groin. The death blow came when she stabbed him right in the head. Jerry was dead, eyes open, lying in a pool of blood. She looked towards Josh and Jessie, who were on Josh's bed, holding onto each other. 

"He's not going to hurt you any more Jessie" 

Except it wasn't Lorraine who said it. It was Benny. Jessie looked over to him as he placed a comforting hand on her shoulder. Jessie's nightmare was finally over.

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