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"Why was he here in the first place?" Carl asked

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"Why was he here in the first place?" Carl asked

"He tried to castrate himself" Lorraine said. After that, they continued searching the hospital, finding themselves in the records room. Jessie was looking through a set of folders, when she heard a voice echo in her head. 

He has him Jessie.

Jessie knew right away that it was Benny's voice. She didn't say anything. Instead she closed her eyes and spoke in her head.

Who has who, Benny?

"Jessie?" Specs spoke, knocking Jessie back into reality. She opened her eyes and looked at him. "Is everything okay?"

"Yeah, everything is fine. Why?" she answered.

"You were standing there with your eyes closed" 

"I promise, I'm fine" Jessie assured Specs, placing her hand on his arm. Tucker joined them with a folder in his hands.

"Yes we can" he said. He placed the folder on one of the filing cabinets and everyone crowded around, looking at the file. "Is that our man?"

"Parker Crane, that's him" Lorraine said. 

"His address. There's something there" Carl said.

Jessie, you shouldn't go to his home. He has him. 

What are you talking about Benny?

It's Parker Crane. He has---

"Sweetheart, are you alright?" Lorraine asked.

"Yes mom, I'm fine" Jessie assured. 

Let me go with you to the house. I can help you find what you're looking for.

"Are you sure?"


Alright, just meet us there.


Parker Crane's house was boarded up. Tucker smashed one of the windows open. 

"Look, they left the window open" Tucker said. He broke the boards and climbed on through. Everyone else followed suit. 

"Do you feel something?" Lorraine asked Carl.

"Let's just say this house is not a place where many good things have happened" Carl said. 

"Probably a lot of good collectibles in here" Specs said. They began to explore the house. Jessie nearly felt her heart jump out of her chest when a hand grasped her wrist. Turns out it was only her twin brother.

"Benny, you nearly gave me a heart attack!" she scolded him in a whisper.

"Sorry. I need you to stay close to me. This house is bad news and that's why I didn't want you to come here" Benny said.

"Fine, then walk in front of me if you're so worried about me" Jessie said. Benny got in front of Jessie, acting as her personal shield. A horrid smell stung at Jessie's nostrils and she wasn't the only one who could smell it.

"What's that smell?" Specs asked

"Specs, Jessie, upstairs" Tucker said. Specs and Tucker went up the stairs, and Jessie pushed Benny in the direction of the stairs. "After you"


Once upstairs, Jessie paired with Specs as Tucker went off to explore by himself. Benny was now behind Jessie rather than in front of her. She wasn't watching where she was going, and walked right into one of the old baby carriages. 

"Shit" she muttered, and pushed it away from her. 

"You okay?" Specs asked.

"Yeah, just wasn't expecting that" Jessie looked over her shoulder, looking at Benny but to Specs, she was looking at no one. "You could've warned me!"

"How was I supposed to know that was there?" Benny asked

"I don't know, I'm just feeling freaked out right now" 

"Umm Jessie? Who are you talking to?" Specs asked

"He can't see you, can he?" Jessie whispered to Benny, who in response shook his head. "I'll explain later. Maybe when we're not in a creepy, old house" Specs approached a closed door and tried to open it, but it wouldn't budge. 

"I think it's stuck" Specs said

"Let me try something. You're gonna need to give me room" Jessie said. Specs stood off to the side while Jessie stood within a certain distance in front of the door. She extended her leg and kicked open the door. It was a bedroom.

"I'm guessing this might be Parker Crane's bedroom" Tucker said once he joined them. 

"It seems a little girly for a boy's bedroom, don't you think? I mean look at this dollhouse" Specs said

"What? I had a dollhouse. This is a Rhode Island red. Come on, let's get out of here"

"Yeah. I agree with Tucker on that one" Jessie said. The rocking horses behind them started moving behind them. The three of them turned around. 

"This is my room!" a boy's voice said. He ran behind them, making them turn around again. They kept backing up until they hit the bed. Jessie peeked over her shoulder. She looked forward again, and gripped onto Specs and Tucker's arms. "Guys, turn around and please tell me I'm not the only one who sees a girl sitting on the bed" The three of them turned around slowly.

"You can't be in here. If she sees you, she'll make me kill you" the girl whispered. Her head turned around and it wasn't actually a little girl. It was a boy.

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