twenty seven

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Jessie was taken to the hospital

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Jessie was taken to the hospital. She had to get stitches on her shoulders and stomach, and her cheek would heal on its own with scarring, but other than that there was nothing seriously wrong with Jessie. When the doctor questioned her on how she got the cuts, she told a lie about being attacked during a break in. When she was free to go, she left her room and noticed Specs and Tucker waiting for her.

"I didn't think you guys would be here" she said

"We just wanted to make sure that you're alright. How are you feeling?" Tucker asked

"I'm okay. I'm still sore, but the doctor said the pain would go away with some pain killers. I'm going to have some scarring but it'll be very minimal" 

"We were so worried about you, especially me. I don't know what I would have done if you didn't make it back, considering that I...." Specs trailed off. 

"Considering you what?" 

"It's not important. What is important is that you're okay" Jessie smiled and then gave him a kiss.

"I'm ready to go home now" she said. She walked on ahead while Specs and Tucker followed her.

"Dude, were you about to tell her that you love her?" Tucker asked

"I think it's too soon to tell her that" Specs replied.


Jessie explained to Specs and Tucker how she was attacked in The Further and how it affected her physical body. She told them about Jerry Henries aka The Knifed Man but she didn't go into too much detail about her past with him. 

"We're so sorry you had to go through that" Specs said

"It's not your fault that happened to me. I'm just glad it's over and hopefully I never have to go there ever again" Jessie said. 

"We have a plan for that. Carl is going to hypnotize you, Josh and Dalton so you can forget how to travel" Tucker explained. They set foot in the living room where Josh, Lorraine, Renai, Carl and the kids waited. Renai went over to Jessie, carefully hugging her.

"I'm so glad you're okay. We were all so worried" she said

"The doctor stitched me up and said there will be scarring, but other than that, I'm fine" Jessie said. 

"I can't help but feel like this is my fault. If I hadn't asked for your help, Benny never would have let you cross through" Josh said.

"Don't blame yourself Josh" He smiled and then hugged Jessie. Then it was Lorraine's turn to hug her.

"When I saw that you started bleeding, I started assuming the worst. I thought you were never going to wake up again. Thank God you're okay" Lorraine said. Jessie smiled and then looked towards Carl.

"Look who's back. Guess it wasn't quite your time yet" Jessie said.

"Just like it wasn't yours. It's good to have you back Jessie" Carl said

"You too"


"Are you ready?" Carl asked. Dalton sat in between Josh and Jessie on the couch. They were about to be hypnotized so that they could forget how to travel into The Further.

"We're ready. We're ready to forget once and for all" Josh said

"No more travelling. This is the only world we want to be in" Jessie said

"Good. Close your eyes" Josh, Jessie and Dalton all closed their eyes. The metronome ticked in the background. "Take a deep breath. Feel yourself getting sleepier and sleepier, and let the darkness drift. Further, and further away"

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