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Specs called an old friend of Lorraine and Elise's to help them

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Specs called an old friend of Lorraine and Elise's to help them. There was a knock at the door and Specs answered it. It was Carl.

"Carl, I'm Specs. I'm the guy you spoke to on the phone. Come in" Specs said. Carl entered the house.

"Hi Carl. It's been a long time" Lorraine said, hugging him.

"Yeah. Looks like I did the aging for the both of us" Carl said. He looked towards Jessie. "Jessie, I haven't seen you since you were a young girl. You've grown into such a beautiful woman"

"Thank you" Jessie replied with a smile.

"You met Specs, this is Tucker" Lorraine said, motioning towards him. Carl and Tucker shook hands.

"Elise talked about you a lot. Said you were the second best person she ever worked with" Tucker said.

"Second best. That's generous. I've been meaning to catch up with her, to call her but I always kept putting it off till the next week, you know. Now she's gone" Carl said.

"Well maybe this is your chance to say your goodbyes" Lorraine said.

"Specs told me on the phone. I'm not sure we should---"

"We have questions that need answering and the only person we could think of to ask is Elise. Please help us Carl. Help us contact her" 


In Elise's reading room, they all sat in a circle around the table. Carl emptied of bag of dice with letters on them on the table.

"Everybody has their own way of making contact. This is mine. I ask questions and the spirits answer with the dice. You look for the words in the letters" Carl explained. He gathered the dice and put them into a cup. "Elise, we're calling out to you. Tell us if you are there" He emptied the cup but there were no words. He gathered the dice again and put them back in the cup. "Elise, please talk to us. Give us a sign that you can hear my voice" He emptied the cup again but there were still no words among the dice. "I supposed I should have explained. This isn't an exact science. Sometimes contact can't be made" He gathered the dice in his hands. "Elise, please tell me. Are you here?" He rolled the dice onto the table. The lights flickered off and then on, and the tv turned itself on. 

"I'll go get the---" Specs said but Carl stopped him.

"No. Do not break the circle" Carl said. Under the table, Jessie's hand had made its way into Specs'. Within the pile of dice, the word 'yes' was visible. Carl gathered the dice again. "Elise, we need to know who killed you. Tell us" He rolled the dice. She did. "What does she want?" 

"I see it. K-I-L-L" Tucker said. Carl rolled the dice again.

"Where is she?" Hiding. "Where is she hiding?" No answer. "Elise, tell us where to find your killer" Our Lady Angls. 

"Our Lady Angls? What does that mean?" Specs asked

"It's angels. Our lady of the angels" Lorraine said.

"Mom, wasn't that the hospital you used to work at?" Jessie asked.

"Yes, sweetheart, it was" 

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