Moments- Chapter 3

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I looked at Claire and Liz, making sure they were seeing them too. Then I saw Claire's face. She was about to scream. I knew Harry hated screaming fans, so I ran over and clamped my hand on her mouth as she started.

It muffled it, but only slightly. "Claire!" I said. She ripped my hand away from her mouth, her breathing increasing. I turned back to the boys who had an amused expression. "Oh-my-goodness!" Claire said, obviously about to hyperventilate.

"I'm so sorry, hold on!" I said. They laughed. Oh my god! One Direction just laughed at something I said!

I pushed Claire onto the bench next to my dad. "Claire!" I said, trying to get her attention. "Claire!" I tried again. "CLAIRE!" I yelled. She looked at me. "CALM DOWN CLAIRE! CALM YOURSELF DOWN!" I said loudly. She put her head in her hands and started breathing deeply. A few seconds later, she was fine.

"You alright, Love?" Liam asked her. She looked up and blushed. "Yeah... I think so..." she laughed a little. I left her to talk to Liam alone, while I talked to Zayn and Louis. They were standing alone, because Liz was with Niall and Harry. They all were smiling widely. "Can I get a picture with you two?" I asked, pulling out my phone. "Yeah!" Louis said with a grin. Zayn nodded with a smile.

I flipped it to the front facing camera and stood between Louis and Zayn. My arms were long, but not long enough, so part of Louis's head was cut off. "Here, let me help you." Zayn said, I handed him my phone, and our fingers brushed.

I bit my lip, trying to hide my smile. I heard Louis chuckle. Zayn held out the phone, and we all smiled. It was such a cute picture. "I know I'm probably going to sound really annoying, but can I get an individual picture with both of you?" I asked.

"Yeah, sure!" Zayn said. Louis chuckled and looked between the two of us. "Here, you two first." Zayn said taking my phone gently. "Oh, let me put the camera on first." I said reaching for it. Zayn stepped back and looked at me with shock. "There's something wrong with your phone..." he said, trying to hide a smile. "What?! My brand new phone! Oh my god, what's wrong, do I want to know?!" I asked, freaking out. I had just gotten that phone. My dad would be so mad.

"Nothing too serious... it just doesn't have my number in it..." he said blushing. I let out a huge breath of air. Louis burst out laughing. I blushed.

"Well, we'll just have to fix that won't we?" I said. Zayn chuckled. I pulled up the contacts page, and hit the add contact tab. He got his phone ready and handed it to me. I put in my name. Erin Lloyd and then my number (555-584-7763) and hit the save contact button. I handed him his phone as he handed me mine. His contact name made me laugh. Not Zayn Malik

"Thank you." I said blushing. "Now, can I get those pictures?" I asked. He nodded, chuckling, and taking the phone again. Louis grabbed me and pulled me closer. We both decided to make funny faces. I went cross eyed, and Louis... I don't even know how to explain it. He went sort of cross eyed, and made his mouth into a weird shape. Zayn laughed and handed Louis my phone, while they switched spots. Zayn pulled me a lot closer though. "Serious faces?" he asked. "Yeah" I laughed. His face morphed so easily. I watched, a smile on my lips. I heard the camera shutter sound.

"That's cute!" Harry whispered to Louis. Louis only nodded with a grin. I put on my best serious face and looked at my phone.

"My turn!" Harry said, pushing Zayn out of the way. Zayn went to join Louis. "What face shall we make?" Harry asked me. "Um... whatever you want!" I said with a grin. "Duck faces?" he asked. "Haha, sure!" I replied. We both put on our duck faces, with our hands making peace signs out to the side. I heard the shutter sound. "My turn?" Liam asked. My friends were now watching as I practically did a photo shoot with the boys. Liam and I smiled, and Niall made me laugh during our picture, so we were both laughing.

I took one last photo with all of the boys, before my friends took pictures with them individually.

Soon enough, we were in Niall and Zayn's hotel room, in a circle, talking. My dad was talking with Paul, and it looked like they were getting along really well. "Okay, Claire, how old are you?" Liam asked. "Fourteen!" Claire said. "Liz?" Niall asked. "Fourteen." She said, leaning back on her elbows. "Does that mean your fourteen too?" Louis asked me. "Yep..." I looked at Zayn, to see him watching me... "But, I believe that if you really like someone, and they like you back, age is just a number. If there are common interests, and nothing.... Pg-13 happens, I'd be open to dating anyone, as long as they're not in there thirties." I said.

"Whoa... that was deep Erin..." Claire said. I laughed, leaning my head back. We had been sitting and talking for a really long time. "Boys." Paul said. We all looked at him. "We have to leave in about ten minutes." He said. "And girls," my dad said. We all transferred our eyes to my dad. "We have to leave too." He said. I turned around and gave him a thumbs up. "So, have you ever been to England?" I groaned and they all looked at me with confused expressions. Even my friends. "No! I wish I could go though!" I said. Zayn smiled. The other boys nodded. "I haven't." Claire said. "I have!" Liz exclaimed with a grin. "You ever been to Ireland?" Niall asked her with a cheeky smile.

"Here, I'll answer for all three of us." Liz said. She did a groan just like me, and said the exact same thing I did, in the exact same tone. I burst into hysterical laughter, which made Zayn chuckle in amusement, and Niall and Louis to laugh with me. Liam and Harry just grinned. "Erin, calm yourself!" Claire said, mimicking the way I had yelled at her before when she was hyperventilating. That made me laugh even harder (if possible) and then Claire and Liz both straddled me, trying to get me to stop laughing. It wasn't working. It was really hard to get me to calm down when I had been laughing like that, because every little thing my friends would do, would make me laugh harder. Soon I was calming down. "Get-off!" I said between laughs. "Not until you're done with your outburst!" "Get off! I'm about to pee!" I said pushing them off and standing up.

I wiped my eyes from the tears that were forming. "Can I pleeeaasseee use the bathroom?" I asked, doing my potty-dance. They all laughed and me and nodded. I ran to the bathroom. "Alright girls, lets head down." My dad said. "Erin is in the bathroom." Liz told him. "Boys, will you tell her to meet us in the lobby?" my dad asked. "Sure thing Mr. Lloyd!" Louis said with a strong voice. "Alright." I heard the door open and close, and Paul say, "Zayn." I finished wiping my eyes with a tissue. Right as I was about to open the door, I heard something that will change my life forever. "You have that face on." Liam said. "You like her!" Niall said quietly. Zayn freaking Malik likes me. I might pass out in the bathroom...

Moments- a One Direction (Zayn Malik) Fanfic {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now