Moments- Chapter 14

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********Zayn's POV********

Did I really just do that? I had been planning on it, but when it came out of my mouth, I had second thoughts. She turned and ran out, with tears falling. I felt bad that I shoved her, but I was so hurt. The most amazing girl I had ever met cheated. I sat down, and let the tears fall for a good hour or so. "Zayn, are you alright?" Harry asked me, putting a hand on my shoulder. I looked at the counter and saw her purse. Her phone had chimed, so I went to see if it was that Michael guy, telling her how great of a time he had. I pulled her iPhone out of the bag. The contact was Michael. My lip curled in disgust as I unlocked the phone and looked at the message. Oh my god. What did I just do?! The message said: He said yes! I'm getting married to Seth! I'm getting married Erin! 

"Oh no." I said in shock. Harry was at my side in a second, with Liam right behind. "Oh my god!" Harry said. I was about to pass out. She had been about to say something about him before I interupted her. She must've been about to tell me he was gay, but I had just made an assumption and interupted her. "Zayn-" Liam began, but i dropped to the floor, my head in my hands again. Just then, Niall burst through the door, completely out of breath, a wild look in his eye. "Erin's in the hospital!" He said between gasps. "What?!" Harry exclaimed. I jumped up and Niall lead me to the car. "Liz, we're on our way." Niall said, putting his phone on speaker. Liz was crying hysterically. "She's seriously hurt! She's in surgery right now..." said Liz.My heart stopped for a second, and I was finding it hard to breathe.

We pulled up to the hospital and ran in, Louis and Eleanor running up, with Danielle right behind them. "What happened?" Danielle asked, taking Liam's hand. I had to sit down. I didnt feel too well. "Zayn, calm down!" Niall said, trying to get me to breathe. "I'll go ask a nurse to explain..." Lou said, walking away with El. My breathing was controlled now, but I felt sick to my stomach. Lou and Eleanor came back with a nurse, and Liz. Liz gave me a dirty look before telling everyone that Erin had said she was going for a walk, and then she heard sirens. "When I looked out the window, I saw them putting her on the stretcher, and I freaked out!" Liz said, tears falling. Niall was holding her close. "She's got a few injuries..." the nurse said with an apologetic expression. Harry nodded, and she took that as her cue to leave. "When will I be able to see her?" I asked the nurse. She turned around and looked at me. "How do you know her?" She asked. "I'm her boyfriend..." I said. Liz gave a curt laugh. "Ex-boyfriend!" she said standing up. I looked down, and the first of many more tears fell. "What?!" Louis exclaimed. 

Liam and Harry explained to him what had happened, and Niall looked at me with a weird expression. He shook his head at me and went back to comforting Liz. A police came in with a guy, who looked completely freaked out. The officer asked the lady at the desk about Erin's condition. Liz and I both jumped up and went over to him. The officer had walked away a little with the man. "Why were you asking about Erin?" Liz asked. I noticed her hands were shaking. "The station needs to know how serious the injuries are before we can go to court." The officer said. "Now, who are you?" he asked, looking at us. Liz looked at me, and said: "Liz Hatch, her best friend, and thats her..." she hesitated. "Boyfriend, Zayn Malik." she said. The officer nodded. "Do you know how this happened?"  I asked, my voice cracking. It obviously took the officer by surprise, because he softened his hard-ass cop attitude. "According to this young man, the driver, and a few other witnesses, she was standing on the curb, and he stopped to let her cross the road, and she just waved him to go, so when he started to go, she ran out in front of him." The officer told us. Liz started crying again. She let me pull her into me, while she sobbed. "Would you hold onto this?" The officer said, pulling the chain with two rings on it, out of his pocket. I held my shaking hand out, and he placed the chain in it. 

Once the officer left, the doctor came out, telling us she had two cracked ribs, a broken wrist, but that the worst injury was a concussion. "It wasnt a serious concussion, but she'll have to stay overnight just for observation." he said, walking away. I let out a huge breath I didnt know I had been holding. She was going to be okay, but were we?

Moments- a One Direction (Zayn Malik) Fanfic {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now