Moments- Chapter 26

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When I walked into the apartment, Zayn grabbed me, and hugged me tight. I stayed cuddled into his side for the rest of the night. "We'll figure this out..." He whispered. I nodded, and told him about my idea to get her either get a restraining order against her, or get her put in jail. He agreed. We spent the days leading up to Wednesday just relaxing, and starting to pack little things. We found one house that was ideal, on Wednesday, but it just didnt feel like home. On Thursday though, we found it.

It was gorgeous. The house was on a five acre lot. Before you could even get onto the property, you had to get past the gate. It was so pretty, and elegant looking. Then, you drove down a super long driveway, that took up about an acre. There were super tall trees scattered around, on either side of the driveway. Then, you pulled up to the house. In front of the house, in the middle of the driveway, was a pretty garden, with many bushes and flowers. The garage was a four car garage that came out of the side, sort of making the house an L shape. "This house is obviously large." Amanda said. I nodded, my mouth hanging open at the enormity of this house. "It has a four car garage, six bedrooms, seven bathrooms, two living rooms, an office, a laundry room, a large kitchen, a film room, and as requested, a pool." She said, looking at the house description. "Close your mouth babe..." Zayn chuckled. I was astounded. "I love it already!" I said. They laughed.

It really was amazing. The rooms were so large, and the kitchen was amazing. The pool was gorgeous, with a built in hot tub, and hidden grotto. The yard was so big, being like, three acres or something. I was in love. "I'll give you two a minute to discuss." Amanda said, stepping out of the main living room. "I want this house." I said. Zayn laughed, and nodded. "Me too. It's great." He said. "Great? More like perfect!" I said loudly. He laughed, and kissed me. "Then lets get it." He said. I looked up at him. "You really mean it?" I asked. He nodded eagerly. "Of course." He said. So we did. We bought the house for 987.00 pounds, and moved in a few weeks. We had to go shopping, because the house was so empty without any furniture. The boys and Liz helped us move the stuff that we had. After we had gotten furniture to fill the house, we assembled everything. Only one room was empty, and that was the baby's room. 

There was so much going on right now, between moving in, and making our new home feel like home, I was worrying about my mom, and my first doctors appointment. We found a doctor that would come to our home to deliver the baby. I was completely nervous for the first doctors appointment. Zayn kept reassuring me that everything was going to be fine, and that the doctor wouldnt hurt me. I wouldnt listen, being the stubborn American girl I am, and ended up making Zayn a "You were right and I was wrong, I'm sorry." dinner for him that night. 

A few weeks after my first doctors appointment, we went to the Babies R Us. We picked out a crib, that was so pretty. The wood was white, and very nice looking. We agreed it would look good for either a little boy or girl. We also got the matching dresser, and changing table. We bought a super comfortable rocking chair that went forwards, backwards, and side to side. It was amazing. In fact, the night we put it in the nursery, I slept in it. 

Anyways, I was now nineteen weeks pregnant. My bump was starting to become noticeable. Zayn thought it was cute, and I just liked the idea that my baby was getting bigger, becoming an actually baby. I woke up to the sounds of voices. One was Zayn's and the other... wait, the other two, were Niall and Harry. I sat up, and fixed my hair, going downstairs to greet them. "Morning." I said. They grinned. "Hey!" Harry said, rubbing my belly. "Helloooo!" Niall said, shoving a spoonful of cereal into his mouth. "Morning, boo." Zayn said. I kissed him, and he made a funny face. "What?" I asked. "Morning breath!" He teased. I rolled my eyes and sat between Harry and Niall at the kitchen island. "Guess what." Zayn said, setting a bowl of Cap N' Crunch in front of me. I looked at him, raising my eyebrows. "These two are coming to the doctors appointment today!" Zayn said. I looked at them. "Alright... I hope the baby lets us see this time!" I said, rubbing my belly. We were able to find out the sex two weeks ago, but the baby's leg was in the way, so we couldnt see what sex. "What do you think it is?" Zayn asked them. They got their thinking faces on. "Girl." They said together. I laughed. "You guys?" Harry asked. "I used to feel like it was a boy, but now I think it's a little girl." I said. Zayn nodded. "Me too." He said. "You know Liam and Louis both think it's a boy." Harry said. I nodded. "So does my dad." I said. "My entire family, except Doniya think its a boy too." Zayn said. I knew how bad Doniya wanted a niece.

About an hour later, we were in the car, going to the doctors. I sighed in, and sat down next to Zayn and Niall in the waiting room. Harry was reading a pregnancy magazine. "Erin Lloyd." The nurse called, after about twenty minutes. I got up, and Zayn grabbed my hand. Niall and Harry followed. "Please remove your shoes, and step onto the scale." She said. I did so, and she recorded my weight. Then she took my blood pressure, and did whatever she needed to. "Alright, Dr. Laura will be in, in a moment."  She said, closing the door. I was sitting on the little chair/table thing, Zayn in the chair next to it, holding my hand. Harry and Niall looked around awkwardly, sitting on a bench. There was a slight knock on the door, and the doctor came in. "Morning sweetie!" She said with a smile. I smiled back. "Bring some friends to find out the sex?" She asked. "Yep!" I said. She nodded. "Alright. So we're going to listen to the heartbeat, then use an ultra-sound to find out the sex... that is, if it'll let us take a peak!" She said, pulling the stool over to the table. I laid back and pulled my shirt up. A loud warping sound echoed around the room. "There it is, do you hear it?" She asked quietly. I paused, and nodded. "You Zayn?" She asked. He nodded, his eyes tearing up. "That's the baby's heartbeat?" Harry asked quietly. I nodded, and looked at him. He grinned, and Niall sniffled. "Are you about to cry Ni?" I asked. He shook his head vigorously. "Its just so cute!" He said, a small tear falling from his eye. Haz wiped it away for him. 

"Alright, now lets find out wheather its a little baby boy or girl, shall we!" The doctor said. Oh boy... the moment of truth!

Authors note: Please go take the survey! (Link in comments) I cant write the next chappie until I get more votes on boy or girl! And I cant name the baby yet bc the votes are tied at 50/50 (haha only two people have taken the poll) soooo go do it, and get people to take it, even if they dont read it! oh and sorry if the story is starting to get rushed, sorry, and if this chapter is boring... its sorta a filler... i also found a house that was kinda close to the description, and its on the side... its pretty close to what i was thinking, so whatever...okayy well bye!!!

Moments- a One Direction (Zayn Malik) Fanfic {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now