Moments- Chapter 12

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Yesterday I packed all of Liz's things for the tour. It was so much fun, because we were skyping with Niall and Zayn, and they were acting like idots. I was so happy. "Are you ladies, READY TO PARTAY!" Niall asked loudly. Liz laughed hysterically, and I chuckled while putting some jeans in the suitcase. "As ready as I'll ever be!" Liz said, flopping on her bed. "I apologize in advance for knocking things off the bed." She said, pointing to a shoe that was on the very edge. I grabbed it and put it next to its match, in the middle of Liz's huge bed. I had only a few skirts to pack, her socks and undergarmets, and toiletries. 

"I think you owe Erin!" Niall said, once I zipped Liz's suitcase. I plopped next to her, and turned the laptop towards me more. I waved once again, making sure Zayn could see my ring. He grinned and winked. "Girls, I'm going to the store. Do you need me to pick up anything for you?" Liz's mom asked, poking her head into the room. "Gum, candy, and... anything you see that we might need for the tour." Liz said simply. Her mom rolled her eyes, and left us. I laughed. "Well, are you going to give me a candy bar?" I asked. She looked at me and grinned. "Of course!" 

We spent the next hour and a half skyping with the boys, before they had to leave to get ready for a show. When Liz's mom got home, she gave us a bottle of shampoo and conditioner, a little travel sized perfume carrier, and a few other things for the tour, as well as gum, and candy bars. Her mom was amazing. "Alright, well, I better take you home now Erin." her dad said after dinner. I nodded and put my plate into the sink.

"Meet you at Starbucks tomorrow right?" I asked Liz when we pulled up to my house. "Yes." she said. I waved goodbye to Liz, and went straight to bed. I woke up at five in the morning to get ready. I threw on some sweats and pulled my hair into a messy bun, before waking my parents up. My dad put my suitcases into the trunk, and drove me to the 24 hour Starbucks. Liz was there already, practically falling asleep at the little table. I ordered my usual, a Mocha Cookie Crumble Frappuccino. "Hey." I said sitting down. Liz's eyelids fluttered open, and she gave a small smile. "I, am so tired!" she exclaimed, taking a drink of her strawberry smoothie. "Go get a coffee." I said. She looked at me like I was stupid. "I'm fourteen." She said. I gestured to my frappuccino. "I'm fourteen too! In fact, I'm a like two weeks younger than you." I said. She rolled her eyes. We finished our drinks and went to the airport.

By the time the plane took off, Liz and I were practically asleep. The six hour flight went by quickly since we slept five hours of it away. When our plane touched down, my stomach did a flip. I was so excited. Liz and I practically ran off the plane. When Zayn and Niall saw us, they jumped up, and gave us huge hugs. "Hi!" I said with a grin. Zayn chuckled and pulled me in for another hug. We went and grabbed our luggage, and went to greet the other boys, and Paul. "Hi girls." Paul said. We waved, and soon, we were in the tour bus. "So, your next concert is, where again?" Liz asked, while we all sat around a little table. "Detroit." Louis told her, for the eighth time. "Ahh, I gotcha!" She said. "So, where will I be sleeping?" I asked Zayn, when he took me to look around. There were six little beds inside the bus walls. One, on the very bottom, was stuffed with luggage. Zayn patted the middle bunk on the opposite side. "With me." He said grinning. 

We went to a cute little dinner that night. When we got back in the bus, Zayn noticed I was bout to fall asleep, so we went and laid down after changing. We spooned, and eventually, the sound of his gentle breathing and his warm breath on my bare shoulders put me to sleep. 

In the morning, the boys had an interview. Liz and I watched them from behind the camera. We always did. Every time we were in a new city, they had an interview, and we attended. Paparazzi were insane, constantly creating stories. I was bloated one day, and they made a story of how it was a baby bump. I was fourteen! I was not pregnant! Eventually, we were in the final city. I was sad, but happy, that I would get to go home and relax, but that also meant Zayn would be going back to London.

My parents had decided to get a divorce while I was on the tour with boys, so, they flew my brother out while they sorted through things and finalized everything. It was hard, but I knew it would be for the best. Me, my brother, and Liz started skyping tutors since school had started again. It was easier for me to learn anyway, since it was 1-on-1 learning. When we had arrived back in my hometown, Zayn and I decided to ask my parents if I could move out, and move into Zayn's apartment in London. My mom had said no, but my dad, who had gained primary custody, said that he would find a place in London, so I could be with Zayn. My brother didnt want to move to another country, so he decided to stay with my mom while I went with my dad. I was moving to London!

After a few months, Liz's parents decided to let her move in with me and my dad, so it would be easier for her and Niall to be together. I was so surprised. Liz was an only child, and they were letting her move to another country. It was hectic at first, moving and all, but eventually, things were back to normal. This was my life now, and I loved it.

Moments- a One Direction (Zayn Malik) Fanfic {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now