Moments- Chapter 22

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Authors note: Polyvore in the comments again! They include the tattoos that Liz and Erin got :) I made just one polyvore for both girls, so it is a bit crowded, but it works, so whatever: :) enjoy <3

When we woke up, we decided to go out and do something interesting. 

I was sitting in the uncomfortable chair, looking at the sketch the artist had made on my right ring finger. "Its soo cute!" Liz said with a giggle. I smiled and nodded. "I like it." I said, looking up at Zayn. He grinned down at me. I held out my other hand and he took it. I watched the tattoo artist get his machine thing-y ready, and open the new bottle of ink. I squeezed Zayn's hand and heard him chuckle. "Lizzie you go first!" I said. She sighed and sat down in the chair next to me. "Is that okay?" She asked the guy who was going to be doing the tattoo. He nodded and sketched out her little design and placed it on the bottom of her palm. "Perfect!" She said with a smile. Niall grabbed Liz's free hand as the guy started the little machine. I watched Liz's face as he started. He mouth dropped open, and she had a slight smile. He made his way up a little more, making the small dots. "Gahh!" Liz said quietly. Niall squeezed her hand.

"There." The guy said. He wiped it down, despite her flinches, and put a little band-aid on it. "Make sure to keep it clean." He said, scooting his stool to my chair. I let out a little squeak when he started the tattoo machine, and bit my lip. "Ow!" I exclaimed, squeezing Zayn's hand, as hard as I could. "Dont move babe." Zayn told me quietly. "Yep, you chose one of the most sensitive spots on the finger." The guy said. "It cant be that bad!" Liz said. I looked up at her, to see Niall was gently stroking the bandage. "Take your longest nails, and pinch that part of your finger as hard as you can!" I told her. She did as I said, and shook her hand, a look of shock on her face. "Ow!" she said. I nodded and rolled my eyes, burying my head in the crook of Zayn's elbow. He ran his free hand through my hair, shushing me sweetly. Finally, I felt the cool wipe on my finger, which quickly turned to stinging, and the bandage placed around my finger. "Be sure to keep it clean okay?" The guy said. I nodded and held my hand close to me. 

"Aw! Our little girls just got their first tattoo!" Niall said, playfully punching Zayn in the arm. Zayn grinned, and put his arm around my shoulder. "Niall, shut up! You havent even got a tattoo!" I said, with a grin. He looked down and huffed. "You're just jelous of my Irish swag!" He accused. I laughed, and walked up to the counter with Zayn. He payed and we all decided to go to Louis's, since Harry and Liam were over there. "Lemme take a picture of it." Zayn said, pulling me to a stop. "Not right now. At Lou's, I promise." I said. He nodded and we got into the car. 

Lou, Harry, and Liam loved the tattoos. Zayn had posted the pic to twitter, and it got over 1000 retweets. We also got a picture with all the tattoos. Well, all of Zayn's that we could get into the photo. He has nine tattoos. I loved it. He laid with his shirt off, and his right arm across his stomach, turned at a weird angle to where you could see his microphone tattoo, and the crossed fingers. Then, he laid his left hand vertically, next to it so you could see his yin-yang sign tattoo. You could see his tattoo meaning be true to who you are, on his collarbone, his grandpa's name, and his heart tattoo- where his born lucky tattoo used to be. My finger was next to his heart tattoo, and Harry put his arm on the other side of Zayn, so you could see his tattoos. Liz laid her hand next to mine. The picture looked cool, but in reality, I bet we looked absolutely crazy, all of us in a pile. That picture got retweeted over 5000 times. I replaced the bandage, and we all got up to go to the couch. "I'm thinking about getting a tattoo that has to do with us." Zayn whispered in my ear. I smiled at him. "Awww! They're having a moment!" Liz said. "Probably your initials next to my heart tattoo." He said with a smile. Aww! We went into Lou's office and he drew what he wanted. My initials looked soo pretty. The E was on the left side of the heart, and the L was on the right. It just fit. "Its soo pretty!" I said, looking at it. He grabbed a sharpie and handed it to me. "Go over it with the sharpie so it lasts!" He smiled. I gently traced the letters, and recapped the lid. "There!" I said with a smile. "You're perfect." He said, kissing me. "Ew!" Lou said, loudly. I turned and blushed, walking out of the office, Zayn right behind me. 

We went home, and I couldnt stop looking at my initials on his torso. They just... fit! It was so amazing. We fell asleep cuddled on the couch, him kissing the bandage lightly, so he wouldnt hurt it. What would my daddy say when he found out I got a tattoo? He wouldnt care. He had like... four or five, and like two were about me. One day I might get a tattoo for my dad, maybe my grandma. I'd deffinity get one for Zayn though...

A few weeks had passed. It was now January. For Christmas, Zayn had gotten a tattoo for me. It was  my initials, and it was so sweet. I got a tattoo for him too. Yes, another one. It was a small one on the inside of my wrist that had his initials with a heart around them. It was adorable. Anyway, Zayn and I were sitting in the living room with Liz and Niall, when I felt the need to puke. I got up, and ran to my bathroom, puking up my breakfast. Zayn came in a second later, and held my hair, while another wave of nausea rolled through me. I vomited a few more times, before feeling better. Zayn laid me down in bed, and covered me with blankets. "I'll go get you some crackers and water." he said, concern filling his voice. I nodded and closed my eyes, fighting off the next urge to run to the bathroom. It didnt work, and I ended up curled into a ball in front of the toilet. Zayn came in, and let me lay my head in his lap. He played with my hair. "Were you feeling ill before you threw up?" He asked me quietly. I shook my head. I heard him sigh, and I knew he was deep in thought. "Did you eat anything other than those waffles?" He asked. I shook my head again, which made me get dizzy, so I puked again. Once I hadnt vomited for a while, Zayn carefully carried me back to bed, feeling my forehead. "You dont have a fever..." He said. I closed my eyes and dozed off.

When I woke, I felt perfectly fine. I got up and went to see what everyone was doing. Liz was cleaning out the fridge, and Niall was watching her sadly. "Wheres Zayn?" I asked. Liz looked up at me, a worried look on her face. "Give me your phone." She demanded, her hand out. I unlocked it, and handed it to her, and she started looking for something. I saw her type something in, and she looked, and sighed. "What is it Liz?" I asked, getting a little nervous. She turned the phone around, and I took it. She had my period tracker up, and the little bubble at the top said my period was... eight days late? What? "Do you think...?" I asked her, getting a little worried. She hugged me and went back to cleaning out the fridge. "Did he go to the store to get..." my voice trailed off and I looked at Niall. "Did you guys... ya know... do anything?" Ni asked me. I thought, and thought and thought. Then Louis popped into my mind. Our conversation while Zayn and I were in St. Lucia. "Once. When we were in St. Lucia." I said quietly. "And you didnt think to use protection?" Liz asked me quietly. I sat down and put my head in my hands. "No... it was spur of the moment... right after a shared shower..." I admitted. Niall couldnt help but laugh. "You two decided to save the planet, eh?" he asked. I nodded, a small smile playing on my lips. 

Just then, Zayn walked through the door, a grocery bag in hand, and a very worried look on his face. He hugged me tightly for a while. "C'mon." I said, taking him by the hand to our bedroom. While we stood there waiting for the two minutes to be up, I couldnt help but think about the day I got my first tattoo. It was the day after we had come back from St. Lucia. I cant believe I let that conversation with Lou slip from my mind so easily! I couldnt believe that I was standing here waiting for a pregnancy test to finish. 

The beep brought me out of my thoughts. I squeezed Zayn's hand, and picked up the test. It was...

Moments- a One Direction (Zayn Malik) Fanfic {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now