Moments- Chapter 35

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It had been a month since Arianna was born. Three weeks since Zayn and I last slept. After the first week she was with us, she wouldnt stop crying.

Arianna began wailing, and Zayn groaned, putting down his Coke can. We sat there in our living room, glaring at each other. "Well go get her!" Zayn said finally. I rolled my eyes and scoffed. "Why dont you? I was up all night with her!" I snapped. He rolled his eyes, and took another drink from the can, before getting up to get our daughter. I heard him shush her, but when she didnt stop crying, he growled, "Please just stop crying!" but she didnt. I heard Zayn stomp back into the living room, holding Arianna, who was wailing. He quickly walked over to me. "Take off your shirt." He demanded. I raised my eyebrows. "She doesnt need to eat." I said. He sneered. "I dont care. Take off your shirt and feed her." He told me. I didnt, I just watched him get more infuriated. "I dont feel comfortable with that." I said. His nostrils flared, and he laid Arianna on the couch, and stormed over to me, yanking my shirt up. "I've already seen you, Erin!" He growled. I let him take my shirt off. He unsnapped my bra, and sent it flying. Then, he picked Arianna up, and thrusted her into my arms. He plopped down on the coffee table, as I sat there looking at Arianna.

"Feed her." Zayn said slowly. I looked at him. "You. If you want me to feed her so bad, you can hold her to my chest." I said, leaning back in the recliner. He hastily pulled the ottoman over to the side of my chair, and took her, putting her mouth to my chest. I sat there awkwardly. I knew Zayn was watching my face, but I refused to look at him.

"Great, so now your pissed at me." He said, with an eye roll. I scoffed. "Dont use that kind of language in front of my daughter." I said. He raised his brows. "Your daughter? Try our daughter." He said, taking her from my chest. He started burping her, but she began crying. "Dammit!" "Language!" I exclaimed, carefully taking Ari from him. I glared at Zayn as I stood on, rocking Arianna. She calmed down a little. Then the dog started barking, and she was set off.

"I'm gonna shoot that dog!" Zayn yelled, pointing at Cayhill, who was now cowering in the corner. "Shut up!" I exclaimed. Zayn looked at me in shock, then rolled his eyes, before storming upstairs, and slamming our bedroom door. "Grrr!" I groaned loudly. Eventually, Arianna fell asleep, and I laid her in her little bassinet that was in the living room, before curling up on the couch, still shirtless. I passed out from exhaustion. Zayn and I had been snappy, and nasty to each other for the last two weeks. Everything we did annoyed each other. I wouldve felt really sad about that, but right now, I was just tired, and it made sense to be annoyed with him.

When Ari woke up at night, Zayn would wake up, then wake me to take care of her. Even though he didnt do anything at night to take care of her, he stayed up, because he couldnt fall asleep again. That meant he was just as tired as me during the day, and he wouldnt really do anything to help me take care of her. It pissed me off. For the first week, he was really helpful and stuff, but once Arianna stopped sleeping at night, he became this monster.

No, even though he annoyed me and pissed me off, I shouldnt be calling him a monster. I mean, he is the father of my daughter, and my fiance. Hm... the father of my daughter... that meant that he needed to help out with her. Grr, now I'm pissed again.

My eyes shot open when the doorbell rang. My eyes then moved to the bassinet, where I could see her head moving. Oh nooo please noo! Too late.

She let out a wail, and I quickly grabbed my shirt, slipping it on, before grabbing her, and stomping to the door. I pulled it open hastily, glaring at Liam and Danielle. Their eyes widened, and they took in the scene that I'm guessing was me. I didnt really have time to shower this week, so I probably looked super dirty. "Erin! Omigod! Are you alright?!" Dani asked, stepping into the foyer. Liam followed, looking around at our messy house. "I am soo tired!" I practically growled. They looked at me in surprise. "Hasnt Zayn been helping you with the baby?" Liam asked, taking Arianna from me. I scoffed, and rolled my eyes. "Zayn helping out with his child? Never heard of such a thing." I said bitterly. "I do help with her, more than you!" Zayn snapped, stepping off the last step. I looked at him with shock written all over my face. "You dont do squat to help with her! You wake me up at night to take care of her, then complain during the day that you didnt get much sleep, then make me take care of her!" I said loudly. Zayn rolled his eyes, shaking his head. "I have a job, where I need to look well rested. I need to be well rested. You stay at home to take care of her. You dont need to look beautiful." He muttered the last part, turning to look at Dani and Liam, who I honestly forgot were here.

Moments- a One Direction (Zayn Malik) Fanfic {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now