Chapter 1

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I wake up.. everything is so hazy and blury. "Nate... NATE!" Sudden realization hits me, my husband... he can't be dead.. he just can't be. I bang on the door with all the strength I could gather. I'm gonna look up.. and both Nate and Shaun will be there, safe and sound. I think as I violently fall to the floor, I scramble up and look into Nates pod. "No no NO! Come on come on.." I look around frantically and flick a switch and his door opens. I feel surprisingly warm tears fill my eyes and trickle down my cold cheeks. "I'll... I'll get whoever did this to you.. and I will kill them!" I cry and take his wedding ring, it's not like anyone can hear me... they're all dead.
I examine the pods as I make my way through this godforsaken vault. Everyone really is dead, what happened...? Surely it hasn't been that long... right? I freeze for a moment when I see something large move quickly across a window... what..? I debate with myself quickly: Turn back and try find another way... or keep going? I decide to keep going, I couldn't see any other accessible exit back there anyways so what's the point?
I hear a hissing noise and soon this... absolutely giant cockroach comes into sight, I squeal when it gets close and punch it, it dies instantly. "Disgusting creature." I stomp on it to make sure it's dead and continue on, trying not to let my emotions overwhelm me.
I come across a few more of these disgusting abominations, I have a stinging pain in my arm where one of the roaches got me... Shouldn't be too much damage though, I hope. I find this room, on a wooden desk I find a small gun and some ammunition. I smile lightly to myself "Sweet." After I swiftly load the gun and store the remaining ammunition cases away I log into the terminal and open the next door. I hate it when I can't see straight ahead, I've never been a big fan of corners. I peak around and see quite a few roaches on the walls, I aim, breathe in and start shooting.
"Okay okay remember what I taught you?" Nate asks as he hands me the rifle, he takes me to a shooting range any chance he can, which isn't too often. "Yep! So I just... stand like this?" I stand slightly on an angle with the gun facing the target, "Hold on hun let me just fix you up." He says with a smile, god I love that smile. He gently fixes my stance and makes sure I have a good grip on the gun, "Whenever you're ready." He says, I nod and look through the sight. I take a deep breath and breathe out slowly as I pull the trigger. "Look at that! You got a bullseye honey!" Nate smiles and cheers "Look everyone! My wife got a bullseye!" He shouts, cupping his hands around his mouth. I smile and blush, nudging him gently "The whole world doesn't have to know!" I say jokingly, gigging slightly "Good idea!"
I stumble back a little and quickly stomped and shot the roach that attacked me. I sigh and smile, tears forming in my eyes again. I miss his beautiful smile...

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