Chapter 18

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"Congratulations on a successful mission knight. Hope its wasn't too hard." Proctor Ingram says with a small smile, you try smiling back "Nah not too bad. Quite a few ferals but nothing major." You grin and give her a thumbs up, her face drops slighly. "Hey Elder Maxson wanted to speak with you, says its really urgent so you might wanna get up to the Prydwen." You turn pale and nod, oooh did you have a bad feeling, you knew it was about Danse.
"I have a serious matter to discuss with you miss (Y/n)(L/n)." He says as soon as you walk in, you open your mouth to speak but he beats you to it. "Do you know what Danse is?" He growls "Danse tells you everything, you're close, surely you know." You move back a tiny bit "I-Im confused... what are you talking about?" Maxson rolls his eyes "Dont give me that bullshit Knight, I know he told you hes a synth!" You freeze, a synth? No fucking way, that's impossible. "How dare you acuse him of being such a thing!" You say, raising your voice "he never told me anything because he isnt a synth!" Maxson steps closer to you and raises his voice as well "We found a file from the institute, one of the synths is Danse, its his face! You can't fake that. Now, that thing disappeared from the bombs and now hes missing. I want you to find him and kill him!" You gasp and poke his chest with force "I dont care what some stupid fucking holotape tells us, Danse is not a synth! He isn't! Its impossible. I refuse to kill him, synth or no." You growl and hold your ground "That is an order knight. Go see Proctor Quinlan, I believe he has information on where Danse might be." He says through gritted teeth, he steps back. You give him a death glare and quickly turn around, making your way up.
"What is this bullshit about Danse being a synth?" Haylen storms in and says, "We're working it out Haylen." You say simply, "You've been sent to kill him haven't you, you monster!" "Scribe Haylen I think you should show her some respect or so help me I'll get the authorities." Quinlan says, you look down at the floor. "Right... my apologies mam, I believe I have some valuable information about Danses whereabouts. If you'd follow me." You nod and follow her until she bring you to a small area. "You aren't going to kill him... are you?" She says with a shakey voice "No Haylen of course not, I just want to hear him out." She sighs and nods "Thank goodness. Now on our first scouting mission our fallback was listening post bravo, that's where he is, he must be." You nod and smile lightly "Thank you so much Haylen, I'll get going right now."

You arrive and already you're met with turrets, but they aren't too hard to break. Walking in, you notice there is a broken down protectron. Someone has definitely been here, and is still here. As you enter the elevator your mind starts sinking everything in. What if Danse actually is a synth? What if he doesn't love you anymore? What if he's already killed himself...?
After getting rid of everything you sprint into the next room, where you find Danse. It looks like his face is stained with tears. "I guess you've been sent to kill me haven't you." He says simply, wiping his cheeks "Yes.. but I'm not going to do that." You say stepping closer, he signals for you to stop, "Don't show something like me mercy, I'm a machine, a monster." His voice gets a little shakey "No Danse, you're more human then anyone I know." Danse shakes his head and clenches his fists "That's impossible, I was made. Most of my memories aren't even mine" he makes eye contact with you and his face changes completely "and you... maybe we never actually met, maybe you're just a soldier and my memories of you aren't real either." His lips tremble but he holds back tears "Danse that's all real, trust me. I love you so much, whether you're a synth or not." You smile lighty and get even closer, Danse carefully pushes you away. "You have to kill me (Y/n), if you don't you'll get kicked out of the brotherhood, I'll also get killed anywa-" you cut him off "Shut up with that! Im not killing you and you aren't dying! I'm going to help you and we'll both be fine. Please, I've already lost my family, I don't want to lose you." You cry, his face softens "You're right... I'm sorry I was only thinking of myself. I didn't even think about how my death could affect the people I love. Look, I'll move away from the Commonwealth, make a settlement somewhere, you can come visit. Take my holotags, as proof you killed me." He smiles lighty and you launch yourself onto him, giving him a huge hug. "Good idea, lets get out of here Danse."
"Knight, I gave you strict orders. Why is that thing still alive?!" Elder Maxson yells "He deserves to live Maxson! He's fought for you for so long and this is how you treat him??" You say, standing in front of Danse. "Danse is not a him, it's a machine! Flesh is flesh, machine is machine, the two were never meant to intertwine." Danse steps in "After all I've done... all the blood I've spilt for our cause. When we first came into the Commonwealth I felt pride, and when I heard your speech, I felt hope. Don't you understand? I thought I was human Arthur!" Danse says, raising his voice. "You didn't spill any blood, thats just some red liquid the institute made to look like blood. I do not intend to talk about this any longer. Either you kill Danse or I will knight." Maxson says simply, getting out his rifle. You get yours out as well and point it towards the Elder. "If you kill danse" you move the gun and hold it to your head "then you lose your best soldier as well." Elder Maxson points his gun at Danse. "(Y/N) NO!!" Danse screams and launches himself towards you...


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