Chapter 10

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After finishing with our power armor we head out and get ourselves into a virtibird. We are on our way to the old C.I.T ruins, which is somewhere I have definitely never been before, well... since its been like this. I sigh and begin to twitch and fiddle with things as I sit down next to my machine gun. "Hey... are you alright?" Danse asks, coming to sit next to me "I suppose... I don't know, I'm just really nervous." I bite my lip and look at him, "Yeeeah, I don't blame you. I'm pretty nervous myself. But hey, we'll be okay." I sigh and place my hand on his "Will we? These things are the toughest of tough and we're just... us. What if we won't be okay?" I fiddle around with my power armor helmet and Danses hand nervously "Hey hey hey (Y/n) relax, we will be okay... I promise." He gives me a reassuring smile and I smile back and sigh, I move closer to him as he wraps his arm around me. We enjoy the rest of the ride.
The virtibird lands and we jump off, putting our helmets back on. "Okay so we just tune into this then?" I ask, pointing to a signal on my pipboy radio, Danse nods "That's the one, while you keep an eye on it I'll keep an eye on everything else okay?" I nod and tune into it, slow beeping is heard so I continue straight with Danse leading.
Soon, after avoiding as much unnecessary danger as possible, our signal leads us to the GreenTech building and it. Is. Massive. "Phew okay, lets do this." I say, climbing the stairs to the doors. "Who's my brave girl??" Danse asks, poking me. I raise my hand enthusiastically "ME!" I say loudly, Danse chuckles and we walk into the building. "We got this alright?" He assures me as he notices me tense. "It really plowed through here didn't it...?" I say, holding my laser rifle tightly. "Nothing you haven't done before though, remember how you took down that super mutant?" I nod "Well do what you did then again, only I'll definitely be helping this time."
We are about to walk into a large area up stairs but we hear some clicks... I scan around the room for the turrets but I can't find them. "Dammit..." I say, staying around the corner with Danse. Soon loud explosions are heard from the room above us, I guess it's the courser. My breath hitches and I tense up once again, not moving from my corner, soon enough the noise stops. I peak around the corner and a voice is heard from over some speakers, "The courser is now in level 3, anyone that's still alive get up there!" A man says, I nod at Danse and we sneak around, finally spotting the targets. "Found you!" A voice calls, 4 gunners emerge from the opposite doorway. I grit my teeth and shoot at them while Danse takes care of the turrets... finally they're all down and as are the turrets. "Great work soldier boy" I punch him playfully on the shoulder "lets keep moving." Danse chuckles and puts his hands on his hips, "Soldier boy? Is that my name now??" I nod my head and smirk, but I know he can't see it anyways "Well fine, there's no stopping you anyways." He shrugs and we move on.
"Wow... this room is massive!" I say, walking around, but I freeze once I hear noises coming from upstairs. "We have to keep moving, come on." Danse says, I salute and follow. "We'll be fine we'll be fine..." I keep repeating as we climb the stairs. We reach a room with a door, the voices are a lot more clear. "Tell me the password." A man says, not really using much emotion. "I told you I dont know what it is." Another man cries. "We have to get this door open now!"Danse says in a panic, "I-Im having some serious doubt issues right now..." I say nervously, staring at the doors. "(Y/n) please, we have to do this! I believe in you." I nod, quickly crack the terminal and open the large doors. "Well look who made it..." one of the men walks up to us... the courser. "So what do you want from me?" It says simply, I tense up a bit but narrow my eyes "We're here for your courser chip." I say coldly, "Yes of course, but you know I'm not going to let you have it." It gets a smug look on its face and I tighten my grip on my rifle, "Oh yeah, I know. But you've decided to mess with the wrooong girl." I can hear Danse chuckle behind me "You do NOT wanna mess with her, she's nasty." The courser now gets a confused look, I smirk. Quickly, I launch myself at it, the damn nerves are killing me but the adrenaline is really kicking in. It kicks me off it and starts shooting, me and Danse open fire. I go to try unarm it but it dodges swiftly and goes invisible "FUCK!" I yell, "JUST FOLLOW WHERE THE BLUE BEAMS ARE COMING FROM!" I growl and get closer to it, "(Y/n) don't get too close!!" Danse calls, I ignore him and once again jump at the courser, but it moves, I hit the ground hard! "Arg!" I get up and follow it, still shooting. Eventually the whatever it is wears off and it is once again visible. I manage to trip it as its walking backwards and stomp on it's head with full force. It's over. I killed the courser. I stare at Danse and give him the thumbs up, giggling a little. "How did I get you as my girlfriend?" Danse laughs a little and pets my shoulder. I look through its body and find the courser chip "Got it! Woohoooo!!" I smile and put it away safely, "That's my girl!" I blush a little and make a squeak noise "What was THAT!?" I say all embarrassed, Danse just laughs. "Hey over here!" A lady says, we walk towards the noise. "He was after me... I'm sorry." She says, "Hey it's okay, he's gone now." I say, looking through the blinds, "Yeah but... never mind. Could you please let me out? The password should be in that toolbox under the staircase." I nod and Danse is already off to retrieve it. He unlocks the door and the girl quickly exits. "Thank you, thank you so much! I-I should get going, bye." And with that she's gone. "Lets get out of here." Danse says, powering up the elevator.

"What so what do we do with it?" Danse asks as we put our power armor away, "Someone I know, we should get there ASAP. And for the record you should probably change into some casual clothes, they aren't the biggest fans of the brotherhood." I run my fingers through my (h/c) hair and look at him. "Where are we going..?" He asks curiously "Good neighbor." I reply simply "Good neighbor... serioussllyyy? Do you know how dangerous that place is?" I puts a hand on his head "Of course I do, I've been there before. Buuut the mayor kinda killed someone that was giving me trouble as soon as I arrived so I feel safe." I shrug and push Danses chest lightly "Now go get changed." He smiles and walks off. He has such nice muscles. I blush to myself and sit down in the cafeteria. 

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