Chapter 20

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Elder Maxsons stone cold face fills you with rage, how? How could anyone do something like that? He. Was. Human. "DANSE!" You cry out, his body falling to the ground in front of you. You see a light smirk appear on the elders face. "You MONSTER!" You scream falling onto your knees next to Danse, you lay him on your knees. "Danse? Come on talk to me..." he slowly looks up at you with sad eyes, you see a hint of pleasure in them as well "He was going to shoot you... but he didn't... I saved you.." You grip his hand "Why the FUCK would you do that??" You bend down and stuff your face into his chest, some blood stains your hair "You... heard him. I'm not alive.. you deserve to live on, you're a true soldier." You lift your head up and he moves your hand to his heart, "Hey... don't cry." He wipes your cheek. He looks up into the sky and slowly lifts a shaking hand into the air, pointing at the darkening sky. "You see that...? The stars..? I'm going to be one of those stars (Y/n), and I'll be watching over you and keeping you safe." You cry harder now, holding his hand again. "I don't want to loose you... I can't loose anyone else.." you say softly, sniffling a little. "I love you so much... (Y/n)..." he slowly leans up and kisses you softly before falling limp completely. You cry a little less now, controlling you're breathing. He isn't in pain anymore
He's free
"Oh get up he's only a robot." The elder says, you feel pure rage take over your body and you take out your gun, getting up and storming towards him. "HE ISNT JUST A ROBOT HE WAS ALIVE, HE WAS A PERSON. YOU JUST MURDERED YOUR BEST SOLDIER AND AN INNOCENT LIFE... you're the monster in this god forsaken wasteland, not the institute." He remains relaxed as you plunge the barrel of the gun to his forehead. "I did what had to be done Soldier, it was the right thing." You start crying heavily again. "I lost my family, I lost everything! And now I've lost the person I love AGAIN... you can't undo that Maxson... congratulations... you've murdered my family." You calm down once again and lower your gun. You see a look of pity in his eyes. "We go to battle with the institute tomorrow morning, you can chose to join us or not and I'm giving you full access to Danses quarters." He salutes and with that just walks off. You just watch him leave.

You bury Danse just outside the outpost and make a stone for him. You sit there for a good half an hour, kneeling in front of his grave. You weren't really thinking anything... just sitting there. "Hey gorgeous." You hear a rough voice say from behind you, you get up and turn around to be faced by Hancock. "What do you want?" You day rather coldly, you regretted it. "Oooh a bit foxy today I see. I just wanted to see how you were going, I heard you were here." He looks over your shoulder and steps sideways to see it completely. "Who's the dead guy?" He says plainly. You look down and sigh, gripping Righteous Authority. He looks shocked "Danse..?? Oh honey I'm so sorry." He strolls up to you and gives you a hug, you hug him back. "H-He didn't deserve it.." You cry, he pets your head. "I know (Y/n) I know. Do you want to come back to Good Neighbour with me?" He asks, smiling lightly. You shake your head. "I think I'm going to stay here, I don't want to leave him." The ghoul thinks for a moment. "Why don't I help you fix the place up?" He asks, you smile and nod. "That would be lovely."

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