Chapter 17

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You wake up at about 4:30am, its strange everything being so quiet, it kinda gave you chills. You make your way to Danses room and soon a pair of hands grab your waist "Morning sleeping beauty." Danse says, you spin around and poke his sides, he bends over and covers them, giggling a little. You smile. "Now i know whos ticklish." He goes a little red and chuckles "Be quiet and lets get going gooosh!"
There was someone already waiting for you on the flight deck to fly you to your destination. "You both got enough rad-away and stimpacks?" She says, you smile and nod. "You know where we're going?" Danse asks, she smiles and nods as well.
You get dropped down and ask her to stay there, just in case. "Haylen! Good to see you." You smile and she goes straight to Danse, you frown and pout, watching her every move. "Good to see you Danse, everything going okay?" She says as you both exit your power armor. "Yeah, everything is going well." He smiles and she immediately hugs him, your eye twitches and you clench your fists. "Okaaaaay so why are we here?" Danse says awkwardly, pushing her away slowly, she looked upset. "Well we know where the bombs might be, so I'll put it on your map (Y/n)." You raise your hand so she has access to the pipboy. "Also this little device. When you find the bombs put it down and turn it on, we'll come get them." The two of you nod. She walks up to Danse and touches his arm, "Be careful out there." She says and gives you the look. So, you rush to get into your power armor and drag Danse off as soon as hes in. You ask the pilot to drop us off at the Crater. "Danse what is with her??" You ask, stepping away from the mini gun "Honestly I don't know, it was weird and definitely uncomfortable." You cross your arms and put your helmet on, Danse does the same. "Hey just don't worry about it, unfortunately we can't tell her about us. But shes always at the station." He says, "Lets just worry about this..."

"Thats an interesting shaped building." You say, pointing at it. "Wanna check it out?" Danse replys, you smile and skip off, you knew there weren't any enemies around.
"Oh hey them be bombs." You say, leaning on one and posing. "Hey be careful! It might go off!" Danse holds his hands out and pulls you away from it, "L-Lets just go inside yeah?"
"Shit Danse there are more gouls in here..." you say, walking near a tunnel. You can hear the shuffling. You get an idea. You let off a shot and the shuffling gets faster and louder, you get out a molotov cocktail and as soon as three are seen you throw it. They all burn to death. You cheer and strut forwards, knowing you're a fucking boss. Danse rolls his eyes and laughs. The two of you continue forwards very cautiously.
Already you're both pretty tired. But something happened to Danse. Nothing physical. But it's like he realized or remembered something horrible. You wanted to ask but you didn't want to make anything worse for him, he just looked sad, scared and confused. "I think there's someone in there." You say, "Safety is off, they could be hostile." You nod and proceed with caution. "And who might you be? You are walking on atoms land." The man says. Awesome one of these idiots. You think. "Yeah, umm, we're looking for some bombs. Nuclear bombs." You say, "These are holy relics, from the great war. We cherish these and only if you are to spread atoms glory will you have access." You sigh and place a hand on your head "Yeah I uh, want to spread his glory..- look the bombs will get used alright?" You say, getting annoyed. These atom people get on your nerves. "Well then, thats amazing. Here is the password." You shoot Danse a confused look and he seems to have the same expression, and you find it so very adorable. The big doors open and you both walk in, Danse goes pale. "Aaaalright the thing is all good and we can leave." You smile and Danse looks away for a moment, "I have to stay and guard the  bombs while the teams come get them, I've been given strict orders to do so." He speaks very firmly, like he use to before you really knew each other. You tilt your head to the side "O-Okaay... are you sure you have to?" He keeps his position "Affirmative, I cant go against Elder Maxsons orders." You narrow your eyes a little at him, something wasn't right. "Be careful Danse." You were too scared to say anything else, since he isn't acting like himself. "Ad victorium knight." He salutes and walks further in. You don't know why but him calling you knight, that hurt, an awful lot. You just watch him for a moment before sighing and going towards an exit. Even though Danse was acting all tough and emotionless, you could see sadness in his eyes, maybe even fear. You have a gut feeling something terrible is going on. Snd your gut is never wrong.

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