Chapter 5

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Holy shit I just realized I've been so stupid and writing "steal" instead of "steel" XD christ get your shit together Ash geez! Sorry, do continue. Hopefully I won't keep making that mistake XP

Elder Maxsons speech was very inspiring, but I'm questioning how a man so young could be running an organization as big as this. "I care about them you know, the people of the Commonwealth." He states, facing the big windows, looking out into the city wasteland. "I can tell, that speech was amazing." I say with a smile, "Thank you, I like to inspire my soldiers and I meant every word." He turns around to get a good look at me. "Welcome aboard the Prydwen, I as you know am Elder Maxson, leader of the brotherhood. I read Danses report, he seems to think very highly of you. Honestly you couldn't have gotten a better recommendation." I smile to myself. "Now, I'm sure that you are eager to get into a suit of power armor. I, as Elder, am granting you the rank of knight. But before you do Danse will show you around to the crew then I want you both to meet me at the flight deck. Understood?" The Elder says strictly. Everyone seems to strict here... I nod "Of course." He salutes and I salute back. I make my way up the ladder and onto the next floor, I see Danse at what seems like an eating area and run up to him. "Hey Danse! Maxson said you're gonna show me around..?" I say to him, unsure if he already knew about it. "Of course, follow me." He leads me to the doctor of this joint, knight-captain Cade.
After being asked some questions about myself and a few... strange ones, Danse shows me across the hall to a man named Proctor Quinlan.
I agree to his terms of bringing any technical documents to him, bonuuus I get paid for it! It does seem like a pretty interesting job though, getting to learn all these things about technology before the war. Obviously I'm no expert but I know a few things.
Next is Proctor Ingram, a woman who is always in a power armor base. She said she lost her legs in battle. She's definitely inspiring, what a soldier.
Last is Proctor Teagan, he sells weapons and ammo. I'm pretty surprised that we have to pay but it's understandable.
Danse and I then walk back to my own suit of power armor. I open the back and enter it. "Woah! This is amazing!" I say, moving around a bit. "Helmet is kinda tight though..." I say, taking it off. "Here, we can leave it for Ingram to fix. We shouldn't leave Elder Maxson waiting." Danse says taking the helmet off me, I nod and smile lightly.

"See the island over there? That's fort strong. It's covered in super mutants, having those abominations close enough to smell is making me sick to my stomach. They're sitting right on top of a stash of fat man shells, they can not be allowed to be in possession of such a weapon. I need you both to go down there and secure those fat man shells, kill everything that moves. Got it?" Maxson says, staring us down. "It will be a pleasure to wipe out that mutant filth." I smirk and rub my hands together, "I agree, it will be a blast." Danse smiles and nudges me a little, I smile back at him. "Excellent, now get going. Ad victorium." We all salute, Danse and I go to the virtibird and start our way.
"What the hell is that??" I say in a panic, shooting the what looked like an oversized super mutant. "That's a super mutant behemoth, hit it with everything you've got!" Danse yells slightly over the noise of the machine gun, he's also shooting it. It keeps throwing rocks at the virtibird, soon, it dies and we all sigh. "Look at that thing bleed! We've taken too much damage, I'm going to have to land and drop you off. I'll bring it back for repairs." The pilot says, Danse and I exchange glances and nod. We'll be fine.
Finally we clear the outside area and head towards the big building. "Danse! You okay?" I ask, noticing a cut on his cheek, looks like a bullet just grazed him. "Yeah I'm fine, no big deal." He insisted he left his helmet, said if I couldn't be 100% safe then neither could he, yet he's still being the hero he is and putting himself infront of me. That's Danse for you. We make it to the doors and Danse readys his weapon, he nods at me and I quickly but quietly open the door. He rushes in pointing his rifle around, once he gives the all clear I enter. "Lets do this!" I smirk evily and we split up, I go to the door on the right and him to the left. I unlock the door but stop before I open it, I hear voices on the other side. Deep... annoying voices. Soon, I can hear gun shots, Danse is being attacked. But the super mutants on the other side of my door move away, leaving me an opening to help out. Turning the corner I shoot one super mutant in the head a few times and it falls to the ground with a thud. 2 more come at me, terrible shots I must say, my power armor is getting a few hits though. "Screw this." I growl and finish one of them off, I drop Ritious authority and swiftly get out my trusty combat knife. I run full speed at the shocked super mutant and plunge my knife into its neck before it has the chance to start shooting again. The thick green flesh was hard to get through but I managed. I put it back in away and grab my rifle again.
After helping Danse with the last Mutant we head over to an elevator. "How do you do that?" Danse asks, looking over at me and I press the button. "Do what?" I reply, the doors close. "You just... it's almost like you have no fear of death. You just charge right in. Like how did you have the guts to get that close to an armed super mutant with just a combat knife?? Do you need more ammo??" He says, getting more worked up as he went on. I smirk. "No, it was just taking too long with the rifle." The doors open but Danse stops me as I try walking out. "It was taking too long?? (Y/n) you risked death because it was taking too long?!" I keep smirking and shrug "Yeah, that sounds about right." Danse places a hand on his head and sighs "I'm starting to think you should be leading me." He looks up and sighs again, I nudge him and motion for him to follow me.

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