Chapter 8

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I wake up slowy, not really able to go any other pace. "(Y/n)!" I hear Danse call, running to me and hugging me, I wince "Danse... the cut..." I groan, he immediately lets go and apologizes. "Oh good, you're awake." A deep voice says, I look around to see a super mutant, I panic for a second and realize he or... it must have helped. "If it weren't for him I don't think you would have made it..." Danse says sadly, nodding at the mutant. "Who... are you?" I ask, I try to sit up properly but Danse keeps me down "Virgil. Your friend here told me everything." Virgil says simply. This is Virgil...? From the institute? And he's a super mutant?? Didn't see that coming. "How are you feeling?" Virgil asks, "Kinda dizzy but... okay. When I move my stomach hurts though." I say, actually noticing I'm not in my normal clothes but in some sort of white coat ANDIONLYHAVEMYUNDERWEARON!! "OKAY WHAT IS THIS?? WHO WAS TOUCHING ME WHILE I WAS PASSED OUT??" I yell, both of them look taken aback by my sudden outburst. "Umm that would be me b-but not in the way that you think! That cut goes from your stomach to just under your collar bone, I had to operate some how. I've done it many times before though, don't worry." He says in a scared sort of tone, I quickly turn my head to Danse, he raises him arms and steps back "I-I wasn't in the room..." I sigh and look at Virgil, "Thank you, but we should really continue our mission. Am I able to go?" I ask Virgil, he grabs 2 stimpacks. "Take these and you should have your energy back, Paladin I want you to tell her everything okay?" Danse nods and they both leave so I can get changed. I take the coat thing off and look at the cut, shit... it has been stitched but it must have been pretty deep. I put the rest of my clothes back on and walk out. "Ready to continue our mission soldier?" Danse smiles "Ready." I smile back and go to my power armor, "Outstanding."
We exit and Danse glances at the Deathclaw before throwing some kind of grenade which burts into red smoke. "I can't believe it did that to you..." Danse says sadly, "Hey, I'll be fine. I used the stimpacks and I feel fine, I will heal up nicely. Promise." I smile but I know he can't see my face. Soon, a virtibird is heard in the distance.

We decide we should go to bed and talk to the Elder in the morning, Danse insists I rest up, it's super late. "Hey (Y/n), you feeling okay? You don't look good..." Danse asks as he walks me to my bed, "Yeah no just... a little light headed." I stumble and smile weakly, probably just tired. Danse grabs my chin gently and pulls my face near his, observing my eyes. He also touches my lip to look at my gums. "Shit... did you check your radiation levels??" He asks, holding my shoulders now, I shake my head. "We need to get you to knight-captain Cade right now."
We go down and Cade seems shocked, absolutely shocked. He wasn't in his office so he took us there jusg before. "I don't know how you managed to survive but... you have way too much radiation in your system. You'll have to stay on Rad-away for the night, Danse will set it up." He gives Danse some equipment and 3 packs of Rad-away. I'm not fond on having needles inside me all night but... it has to be done. I look in a mirror to see my eyes are really bloodshot and my gums bleeding, craaap.
Danse takes us not to my bed but into a proper room. "Danse are we meant to be in here?" I ask, he seems to check around and make sure no one sees us go in before opening the door, "Of course, this is my room." He whispers, I nod and follow him in, closing the door behind me. "Why are we in here?" I ask, looking around "Because it would be too hard to do it in that small space, there is lots of space here. So basically you're staying the night with me, lucky you." He says with a smirk, I giggle and cross my arms "Alright come on I'm not getting any healthier over here." Danse quickly 'switches back on' and gets to setting things up.
"Okay... I'm going to do this gently so don't worry." He kneels infront of me while I'm sitting on the bed, he gently puts the needle into my arm and connects me to the machine type... thing? "Ugh that feels weird." I groan, Danse looks up at me with his big brown eyes "Just relax okay? Try and sleep." I sigh and nod, he turns the light off but leaves a little lamp on. "You coming?" I smile lightly, Danse looks confused and I pat the bed "Get on here." He smiles a little and gets on, I'm wearing my tank top and you can see all the bandages on my arms. "What happened here...?" He asks softly as he sits on the bed. "Oh I got these before I came... guess I can take em off, surprised you only noticed now." I leave them on for now, I'll remove them tomorrow, but they aren't prettg scars... "Yeaaah... look it's 2:30am, we should sleep." Danse says. I gasp a little when he gently and carefully lifts me up a little and lays me on him, so he's hugging me. I feel myself blush a little... oh god how embarrassing! He begins to pet my head softly, making me almost immediately sleepy. "Goodnight (Y/n)." He smiles down at me and I smile back, still lightly blushing. "Goodnight Danse." I lift myself up a little and kiss him on the cheek before cuddling into him again, being careful with my arm. I feel him relax and chuckle lightly to himself, he's so cute....

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