Chapter 3

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*first off I wanna say that (y/g) means 'your gun', or in other words the gun you like using :3
"I'm all ready to go Paladin." I smile and he nods "Excellent, follow me and try not to lag behind." He says as he flips his helmet and puts it on. He looks and acts like some sort of army commander in a comic book or something. I think as I follow him out the door. "We'll take this ally way. Going this way we will avoid all the ferals infesting Cambridge." He says, his power armor crashing quite violently as he jogged. He did however have large strides, so it took effort to keep up. "Our target is Arcjet systems, we're after a deep range transmitter. It shouldn't be too hard to retrieve, unless there's the unlikely event it's already been taken." He says simply, "Okay got it, mind slowing down a bit? In case you haven't noticed I don't have a suit of power armor." I complain, "Right sorry, I'll go a little slower." He seemed annoyed, I could tell by his tone. It's hard to read his face though, since it's kinda covered in a thick metal helmet. "Thanks..." I mumble.
"There shouldn't be any exterior security, so we'll just go through the front." He says simply, I nod. I remember what he was telling me not long ago on the way here about his team, he must have been through so much. Poor thing... I know how it feels to loose people I care about. "Is that clear?" He asks, I must have zoned out! "S-Sorry could you repeat it?" I smile innocently and rub my neck, he sighs "Pay attention this time. As I said, we are looking for a deep range transmitter. We are going to do this mission by the book and no heroics. Also check your fire, I don't wanna be hit by stray bullets. Got it?" He says in a slightly stern manner. I nod, "Got it." I reply "Outstanding, lets get moving."
"Dead end... find a way to open that door there, I'll look around." The Paladin strolls to the other side of the room and I decide to check the terminals first. Bingo, got the password. I speed over to the other terminal which isn't too far away and punch in the new password. "Awesome." I open the doors and a robotic voice can be heard... then another.. Danse warned me about these synths, and I don't like them. "Open fire!" Danse says as he starts shooting them.
I freeze.
These things are so... freaky. Their eyes their 'skin' their everything! "What are you doing?? Start shooting!" I eventually snap out of it but by that time Danse had gotten rid of the Synths. "What happened?? Why didn't you do anything??" He says, clearly annoyed. "I don't... I don't know.." I shiver "They just... never mind." I look away and walk through the doorway, he can't know I'm scared of them... but my stupid ass made it pretty damn clear...
I can't help but worry about all the noise the Paladin is making with his suit, they'll hear us. "Danse...?" I whisper "Yes soldier?" He responds plainly, "Is it possible for you to make less noise? You're very loud." I say as politely as possible, he ignores me, but tries to be more quiet.

After a bit more fighting and a lot more of me being a coward, we reach a large room that has stairs leading to the bottom. "Look at this place, the scribes could have a field day in here." He says, I stay quiet, but it seems clear for now. I realize I had been hugging my (y/g) quite a bit, I'm such a scaredy cat. "Looks like the power isn't on, go check that room and see if theres a way to turn it back on. I'll keep watch." I nod at Danse "Affirmative." I smirk, salute and stroll off, Danse shakes his head a little but I swear he's smiling. Yes, I made him smiillee for the first tiiimme! I think as I enter the room. I look around in the first room but don't find anything. In the next, I find a power core and a terminal. I grab the power core and check the terminal. "Damn, it's locked." I try my best to unlock it, it takes a few tries but I eventually get it. "Sweet." I smirk and turn the main power on. "Hey Danse I-" "We got company!" Danse interrupts. Suddenly a whole group of synths start piling in, I panic. Crap what do I do?? That red button.. maybe that will do something! I run over and punch it. I watch Danse with wide eyes.
The doors snap shut, which scares me a lot, I squeal and run to it, banging on it. "Danse!" I yell. A countdown starts and I run back to the viewing window.
3... what's gonna happen?
2... is that thing... lighting up??
1... Danse..
Bright flames burst out of the large jet, I gasp and cover my mouth as Danse falls to the ground. "Open open!!" I kick the doors and the flames stop. The doors swing open, knocking me to the ground. I get up and sprint out, "Paladin Danse! Oh my god are you okay??" I say, kneeling down next to him, I go to put my hand on his shoulder but the power armor is still really hot. "Yeah... I'm fine... if it weren't for my power armor I would be dead..." I sigh and he grunts as he gets up. "Lets go take the elevator up, the transmitter should be here somewhere..." we get into the elevator which is quite cramped because of his power armor.
"There are more synths up ahead." Danse stops to look at me and takes his helmet off. "(Y/n), it's okay to be scared, I myself aren't too fond of them. But you have to fight them, you're strong, I can see it. You proved it at the police station and I know you're capable of doing so much more, which also means over coming your fears." He says in a very soft, comforting tone. I'll admit it caught me off guard, I don't really know what to say. "Thanks Danse... I'll try my best, you definitely boosted my confidence." I smile and puff out my chest a bit, Danse chuckles and puts his helmet back on, "you got this." He says and starts walking in.
"I'm not scared of you you sons of bitches!!" I yell as I run straight in, I'm literally mentally shitting myself though... but I wanna make Danse proud of me, his speech definitely helped though. I let out a battle cry as I punch the last one in the face with my gun and I split it's head in two. I breathe heavily and flick my hair, looking over at Danse who had taken his helmet off again. Oh if I had a camera to take a picture of his face! He looks so shocked, he didn't even have to take one shot. I smirk at him, "I did it Danse!" I raise my fist in the air and smile. He blinks a few times before letting out a small, short cough and resting his rifle on his shoulder. "The deep range transmitter has gotta be here somewhere, search the area and the bodies. Maybe one of the snyths had it." He says, snapping out of whatever trance he was in. I immediately start searching the bodies while Danse checks the area. Soon I find a device of some sort in one of the Synths hands, "This it?" I ask, holding it up so Danse can see it. "That's the one! Great work soldier." Danse comes over and leads me to an elevator. This one is a lot bigger so we don't have to be cramped up in it.
We reach the surface and Danse leads me out the back and stops. "I want to thank you for your help in there, it really was a big help. But first, if you could hand over the deep range transmitter I would like to compensate you for your assistance." He says, taking off his helmet once again. I smile and hold it behind my back "Say please." I say in a childish way, he rolls his eyes playfully "Please." I nod and give it to him. "Thank you. Now, I would like you to have this." The Paladin hands me his gun, I tilt my head to the side a little "No way I can accept this, it's your gun." I push it back gently towards him "Don't be silly, take it. It's my own modified verson of the standard brotherhood laser rifle, may it serve you well in battle." He smiles lightly and pushes it back towards me, I give in and take it "Thank you so much, I'll make sure I put it to good use." I take it and smiles warmly at him. "I think this operation could have gone smoother, but all in all it was a successful mission... thanks to you." Danse says, his voice softening a touch when he got to the last part, "I think we worked well as a team." I smile, he nods "Agreed. Also I have a very important question to ask you, would you like to join the brotherhood of steal? I think you would make a great soldier." He says with a slight smile, I think for a moment. "I don't... really know right now. I'll have to think about it." I say, looking down a little, I hope he doesn't get upset... "That's fine, I completely understand. You go home and figure it out, the decision is completely up to you." Danse replies, maybe he was expecting a proper answer, I can tell. "Would you like me to walk you home? it's getting dark." He says, back to using his soldier tone. I shake my head, "Its pretty far west, I don't want you walking that far and having to come straight back. Thanks anyways." I smile, "If you say so. Safe travels, I hope you have a good think about joining, but you take your time. Take care (Y/n)." He waves and I wave back as we walk in different directions.
This guy is so awesome...

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