Chapter 13

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You get woken up by someone shaking you gently, you expect to see Danse but... you see Elder Maxson. "Rise and shine Knight, time to get up." He says, you groan and roll over. "What time is iiit?" You ask, still half asleep "About 9:30am, you were meant to be up 3 hours ago." You quickly get up and look around, everyone is working already. "W-Why didn't Danse come get me?" Maxson crouches down next to your bed, "He insisted you slept in, he told me how late you stayed up getting that code." He smiles lightly which almost scares you, it also surprised you how much different his voice sounded when we was being completely calm and relaxed, he actually sounds like his age. "And... you let me?" You say, quite surprised "Yes, yes I did. You deserve a break (Y/n)." And pats your shoulder and walks off, you just sit there in silence for a bit.
You decide you'll take the day off, of course you can't take a day off with Danse... cause he still has to work. You decide you'll go visit some old friends, now you can have a virtibird send you there... it drops you off at red rocket and you smile happily. You make it to the bridge and see that everyone had fixed most things and have a few more houses and shops and defenses. You can hear distant barking, soon you see Dogmeat running full speed around the corner and towards the bridge, you run towards him as well. He jumps up and knocks you over, licking your face "Haha, hey boy. Long time no see." You smile and pet his cheeks. "(Y/n)? (Y/n)!" Preston calls and soon everyone is with you, in one big group hug, while of course Codsworth floats to the side."We missed you so much! We didn't know what happened to you." Sturges says, petting your head a little. "I missed you guys too! I'm actually part of the brotherhood of steel now, so that's cool." you smile, Danse immediately coming to mind "So you're all the way out there? Why do you have to keep moving away??" Preston asks, you shrug "Cause they can help me find Shaun, and I'm so close!" You smile widely "You're doing good kid, I'm proud of you, we're proud of you." Mama Murphy smiles and you hug her again "Ugh I missed you guys!!"

You spent most of your day with them, but at around 3pm you decide to catch up with Hancock. You use to see him a lot, especially when you had to keep making stops to Dr Amari.
"Hey Hancock? Hope you aren't high." You giggle as you stroll into his room, he nods at his bodyguard and she wonders off. "Nah I'm all good at the moment doll, what's up?" He ask leaning back in his sofa, he lifts his chin a bit and pets the spot next to him, you happily sit there. "Not muuch, I'm not busy today so I thought I would drop by." You smile and shrug, "Well that's great! But hey, when were you gonna tell me you joined the brotherhood of steel?" He asks, glaring at you with his dark eyes, your eyes widen "How did you know?" Hancock smirks and closes his eyes, tilting his head up "I have my ways." He turns his head and looks directly at you now, a different look in his eyes "So then, that soldier you bought in, what's his story?" You cock your head slightly to the side "What do you mean?" You ask, completely confused "You know... what's his role or.. what's he to you?" He narrows his eyes and you now know what's going on, you don't show it though "Well... he is a Brotherhood Paladin and my partner." You say simply, Hancock hums "Partners meaning a couple I'm sure, (Y/n) I know you know how I feel about you." He says, facing his body to you now, you sigh and nod "So don't think I'm not jealous, I'm also super mad and you know what, I don't want you bringing him here again! Got it?" You blink a few times, this outburst definitely caught you by surprise "Yeah, okay. I understand." You say, it was a bit of a shame though. "I also wanna know... why did you just stop seeing me?" He says, sadness in his tone, "I just... got busy." You reply, that wasn't entirely the truth "Yeah alright, it's good. It's just... I missed you, a lot." He chuckles sadly, you start to feel sorry for him, even though you didn't really want to. "In all honesty I missed you too, but I have things, really important things I have to finish how" you place a hand on his thigh "Hancock I'm so close to finding Shaun, so so close! So I haven't had time to see you and probably won't again... but I'll work something out." You smile warmly at him and he smiles back slightly "Yeah.. sure. I understand completely." He sighs sadly and wraps his arm around your shoulder, moving closer to you. "Well I'm glad you came to visit today." He says quietly, you relax and lean yourself against him. You feel comfortable with him, cause you know for sure he won't try anything bad with you... you almost fall asleep a few times, Hancock doesn't really help the temptation to just sleep. "You know what I'm gonna take a chem break, you should get back home." He smiles warmly and lifts you up a little "Sure thing, I'll see you some other time then." You both get up and give each other a hug, "Cya sweetheart." Hancock kisses you cheek, you pull away and giggle nervously "Well... bye." You walk out and Hancock watches you leave. "I'll win you one day, I know it."

You look around for Danse but can't find him, it's a bit later into the evening now and you can't find him anywhere! "Hey Ingram, you know where Danse is?" You ask, she keeps working and doesn't turn to face you "he's probably still down at the airport." She says simply, you sigh and turn back around, walking away in a huff.
You get out onto the deck and decide you'll go up to the roof where you and Danse usually go. You take some old pictures and head up.
You're surprised this many pictures survived, you'd salvaged them back on the first day out. You sit just near the railing and look through them, they made you smile. There were pictures from the beach, pictures with your parents, pictures from yours and Nates wedding day, and with Shaun, your sweet son. "Hey." A voice calls from behind you, it's Danse. "Oh, hey. How are you today?" You smile as he comes to sit next to you, "Yeah alright, tired but alright. And how was your day off?" He wraps an arm around you and you lean on him, "Awesome! I got to see all my old friends like, Preston, Mama muurrphy, Stuurrges, Dogmeeat and Codsworth!" You smile happily, "Codsworth was actually my robot butler from before the war, when I found out he was still around, I was so happy! It was so great to see him and the others." You sigh and rub the photos, "What are those?" Danse asks, "Oh um, photos from before the war..." you smile sadly and hand them to him. He looks through them "Aww, Shaun is so cute." He says, pointing at a photo of him in his crib "Yeah, he isn't a baby anymore though that's for sure. I can't believe I'll be able to find him soon." Danse gives the photos back and kisses your head, "I can't wait for that to happen." You cuddle up to him and you both watch the sunset finish.

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