Part 24 (last chapter)

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The elder gulps down another shot of vodka and slams the glass on his desk. He didn't let anyone see him like this, even though he portrayed himself as a cold hearted strong leader, The fact he had to kill Danse kills him. He didn't want to do it, he knew he had to but it hurt almost as much as it hurt you. He pulls up a photo of all the paladins and holds back tears "What the fuck Danse.. that the fuck..?" He rubs his temple and sighs. This is gonna be a tough year.

You get slowly waken up by someone shaking you gently, "Ugh Shaun... go back to bed." Theres no answer "Shaun honey it's too early come on." Whoever it was kisses your cheek and in a familiar voices whispers "Rise and shine beautiful." You open your eyes and look up at the large figure sitting on your bed. You rub your eyes to make sure you weren't still asleep and Shaun comes and pinched you "You aren't asleep mum! Promise!" He smiles widely and you look back up at the man with wide eyes. "Danse...?" You say under your breath, he smiles and nods. You freeze, he's dead, you're talking to his ghost. You go pale and he sits you up properly and hugs you. "I'm real (Y/n), I'm real." He pats your head and you hug him back tightly, how is this possible? You sob into his chest "How.. how is this happening?" Danse looks at Shaun and Shaun shrugs. "I mean, the institute said that when I was older I was meant to become the boss and so they taught me how to make synths sooo.. I fixed him!" Shaun jumped up and clapped. You jump out of bed and hug Shaun giving him kisses all over his face. "Thank you Shaun! I don't know what I'd do without you oh my god." Shaun points at Danse "Is He my dad now?" You smile at him then at Danse "Yea, he's you're daddy." Danse strolls over and you all hug, smiling and giggling. "I can't believe you're back Danse..." you say, he lifts your chin and kisses you, you wrap your arms around him and kiss back. "EW!!" Shaun says as he covers his eyes, you both giggle and lean your foreheads on each other. "I love you." He says softly, "I love you more." You reply, giggling slightly. "And now we can all live down here right?? Safe and sound." Shaun says smiling and swaying around. "Yep, safe and sound at last."

Hoollllyyy shiiittt!!! You're welcome btw 😉
Worlds best son can I get an amen??
I loovveedd writing this and I hope y'all loved reading it and don't hate me for doing this to you 😅
Want another x reader? I'm open for suggestions! This is so much fun :D ❤️

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2018 ⏰

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