Chapter 1: The new guy

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Beep beep beep

I groaned internally as I reached over to turn off my alarm. The clock read 6:30. First day of school after the holidays, great.
I dragged myself out of bed and went downstairs to have breakfast before school.
I put the bread in the toaster, and just stood there, dozing off. The sudden pop of the toaster made me jump out of my skin, it took me a few seconds to recover. I placed my toast on a plate, spreading vegemite on it.

It took longer than was planned to eat my breakfast, so I was startled when I glanced at the clock and it read 7:30. Crud! Half an hour until I have to leave! I sprinted upstairs and into the shower. I wasted no time before wrapping myself in a towel and sprinting down the hall to my room. I chucked my uniform on and brushed my hair. I didn't bother doing anything special with it like most girls, no one notices me anyway.

Chucking my books into my bag I ran downstairs grabbing my keys from the hall and running to school.
Making it just in time I took my seat in my first class. PE. Oh joy! *note sarcasm*. They shouldn't have P.E first class anyway. Everyone is still asleep, and yet they expect you to run around?! That didn't bother me though, due to my reputation around the school of being the nerd, straight A's and what not, Coach Clap doesn't make me do P.E. So I get to sit in the bleachers and study, internally laughing at the rest of my class.

After class I was walking towards Japanese, when I heard the whispers.

"Have you seen the new teacher? I hear he is completely drool worthy," the school slut Josie was whispering to her companion. The way people followed Josie around was like a dog following its master. I laughed internally at them. I don't dare laugh out loud. I do not want a repeat of last time.

I made my way to Japanese It was only a small class. Most students chose to do French because it is easier than Japanese. But I prefer a challenge, and the Japanese culture fascinates me. I sat in my seat at the back. I know the stereotypical nerd sits at the front, but at the back it is harder for people to 'accidently' throw things at you. I watched the clock until the bell rang for recess. I went to my spot under a little tree I like to call Ed. Yes that's right; my only friend is a tree.

"How's it going Ed? Haven't seen you in a while. I've missed you" I said as I took a seat next to my tree.
"I know how you feel," I mumbled back. You could say I am weird, but whatever. Ed is a great friend to me. I reached into my bag for some food, only to remember that in my rush this morning I didn't grab any food, or even money for food. Oh well, looks like I'm not eating today. I took out my math book and started looking over some equations we are most likely starting today. When the bell rang telling us to go to our next class, I stood and packed my stuff into my bag.

"Cya at lunch Ed," I said as I started walking to maths.

I had completely forgotten that we had a new teacher until I walked into the room and saw the girls pampering themselves trying to make themselves look hotter. I glanced at the teachers desk and it was empty, he must be running late. I shrugged internally before making my way to my desk. Just as the door opened someone stuck their foot out in front of me, causing me to fall over. I looked up and saw that it was the one, the only Josie.

"Watch where you walk nerd." She sneered at me I stood up and went to my desk. The teacher walked in at that point and introduced himself.

"Hello everyone, my name is Mr Sparrow," He had a nice voice, a calming voice, a voice that made you feel safe. But I still haven't looked up from my table so I have no idea what he looks like .Tears are still forming in my eyes. I just want to go sit with Ed, I thought to myself. He always makes me happy.

I was vaguely aware that he was doing the attendance.

"Miss Taylor?"
"Please sir, call me Josie," she was trying to flirt, but he just continued.
"Mr Post?"
"Miss Masen?" I remembered that was my name.
"Um, here," I said just loud enough for him to hear. We made eye contact and for a moment he looked worried. Then I remembered I still had tears in my eyes. I dropped my head at once.

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