What's Wrong

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*trigger warning! warning mention of anorexia and eating disorders. self-harm and depression.*Regina sat down closed her eyes letting the dizziness pass. She opened her eyes. The papers from her desk were scattered on the floor when she stumbled and knocked her over trying to sit down. She sighed and got into her bony knees and started to pile them up.
     "Need help?"
  Regina looked up the blonde standing her doorway. She stood up slowly. "Mrs. Swan. To what do I owe the pleasure?"
      Emma handed her a file. "Mary Margaret's case file."
    Regina set the file on her desk. "Is that all?"
    Emma sighed and walked back to the door. "I guess so. Am I still on for hanging with Henry after school today?"
     Regina leaned on the desk as black dots formed in her vision. "I suppose. Have him home for supper."
   Emma began to walk out. "I always do. Have a good day madam Mayor."
     Regina closed her eyes as the blonde walked out. She held one hand on her forehead. This was almost to much for her to handle. She was taking it to far and she knew it but she could stop. Not now. Not when she was so close to 100.
      She sat down and finished the long day.
   Regina walked down the sidewalk holding her coat close to her body.
      "Madam mayor?"
    Regina turned slightly. "Hopper. Hello." She said.
    He walked swiftly to catch up to her. "If you don't mind me saying madam mayor. You don't look well."
      "It's the stomach bug. I'll be okay." She said as the lies slid from her lips at ease.
       He nodded. "Well. I hope you feel better."
   Regina nodded. "Yes well thank you but I really have to get home now." She said to the man.
     She walked passed him and walked as fast as she could back to her home.
     She walked in and closed her door sliding off her coat. She hung it up and walked to the kitchen. She grabbed a glass of water and stopped at the cabinet. She hadn't eaten in almost three days. She sighed and pulled out a rice cake and sat at the table. She ate the food silently calculating the calories in her head. She had become very good at this over the years of her life. She had stopped most of this before when she was younger on her own. She used to be bulimic but after her father caught her she put an end to it quickly. She remembers it clearly to this day. He walked in and saw her. The sadness in his eyes. He silently walked over to her and pulled her into his arms and rocked her gently. She was sad she had it him through this and upset with herself for getting caught. Regina pushed the memory away and set the empty glass in the sink. She walked to the bathroom and pulled out her scale. She stripped down and stood on it. 99.6
Regina rubbed her eyes and looked at again. The numbers didn't move. She smiled slightly. She had reached her first goal. Now onto the second. 95. She got off and looked in the mirror. She was skin and bones. She traced her fingers over the ribs and her hips that jutted out. She traced her pronounced collar bones. She didn't see herself as thin. Not yet. She wouldn't see herself as thin until she saw the final weight. 0. She longed to see it. She wanted to be as light as the a feather. She wanted to feel like air. She knew she would die before she hit that point but she would push on for as long as she could. The doorbell rang as she pulled her clothing on. She finished buttoning her blouse and walked to the door. She opened the door. Emma stood holding a sleeping henry in her arms.
Regina frowned. "What's going on Mrs. Swan?"
"He said he wasn't feeling well so I brought him over. He fell asleep on the ride back."
Regina nodded. "Well come on. Bring him upstairs." She said.
Emma walked in and Regina shut the door. She lead Emma upstairs and opened Henry's door. Emma set him on the bed and Regina pulled his shoes off and put them in the closet. Emma removed his coat and hung it up.
"I can take it from here. Thank you mrs. Swan." Regina said.
Emma walked down stairs and out to her car. She sighed. The mayor was thin. She didn't look well. Emma wondered what was wrong.

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