I'm Your Momma

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Emma looked at the doctor. "A girl? It's a girl?"
He nodded. "Congratulations. The baby is doing better than we anticipated. If she continues like this she'll make a full recovery."
Emma nodded. "And Regina? How is she?"
He hesitated. "She is not doing as well. She lost a lot of blood and her levels are low. We'll see how she does tonight." He said.
Emma took a breath. "Can I see her?"
He shook her head. "She's still in surgery. You can see your daughter though." He said. "I'll bring up up to the NICU."
Emma followed him. They both washed and put gowns on. He led her to a small incubator. Emma covered her mouth. "She's so small."
"She's about 7 inches long and almost weighs a pound." He said. "She's what we consider a micro preemie. She has a pretty good chance at surviving. She's tough." He said. "You can reach in and touch her with the gloves."
Emma slowly reached in and touched her daughters hand. The baby was so small. Emma smiled. "She's beautiful."
"If anything happens press the call button. We have a nurse to check on her every 15 minutes or so. You can stay with her if you would like and I'll come find you when we get more news on your wife."
Emma looked him. "Can my son see the baby?"
He nodded. "During visiting hours. We do visiting hours for anyone except for the parents." He explained.
Emma looked back at the baby. "Okay."
"If that's all I'll have to be heading to another family." He said.
Emma nodded not taking her eyes off of the baby. "That's all."
She heard his feet depart. Emma looked at the baby. "You're stunning. Just like your mum. I can't wait for her to see you. She's strong. Your mum is much stronger than I am." She whispered softly. "She's sweet and kind. And she's well... she's amazing in every way."
The baby moved its head towards Emma's voice. It's eyes didn't open but it moved towards her.
Emma smiled. "You're going to have an amazing life. You have me, I'm your momma, and you have your mum, and you have an amazing older brother, his name is Henry. He's so excited to meet you." She said in a soothing tone.
She sat and spoke with the baby until a nurse bustled over and she had to wait. The doctor walked over to her after he spotted her. "You May see your wife now. She's awake. She's weak and there is a lot of tubes so don't be frightened."
"I won't be. She's still my wife." Emma said. She followed him and chased out of the scrubs. She walked into Regina's room and sat beside the bed. "Hey." She whispered.
Regina smiled. "Is she beautiful?"
"She's stunning." Emma said taking Regina's hand into hers. "She's strong too."
Regina took a shaky breath. "That's good."
Emma smiled. "You did so well Regina."
Regina looked at the tubes. "I wish I could have carried her to terms. I just- my body couldn't handle it."
"That's okay Regina." Emma said softly. "You did fine. You did better than fine. She's strong, beautiful, and it seems she'll be a fighter like her Mum."
Regina smiled weakly. "I wish I could see her."
Emma squeezed Regina's hand. "Soon love."
Regina closed her eyes. "I'm so tired." Her eyes fluttered open. "Where's Henry? Is he still with your parents?"
Emma nodded. "I'll bring him tomorrow during visiting hours."
Regina nodded. "I don't deserve you my swan." She whispered.
Emma stroked Regina's cheek. "You deserve so much more Regina. I love you so much. Now rest."
Regina looked at Emma. "I love you too."
Emma kissed Regina and ran her fingers through her hair. "Sleep love."
Regina closed her eyes and smiled. "Goodnight my swan."
"Goodnight my queen." Emma said. She gripped Regina's hand as she watched her beautiful brunette flutter into a deep sleep. "I love you so much." She whispered.

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