What Do You Mean

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Regina looked at the bandages and bit her lip. She had a twin meeting today and nothing to hide the bandages. She sighed and pulled on the longest sleeved shirt she had that made it about half way to the end of her wrist. It's stopped slightly above her wrist. She closed her eyes and sighed. "It'll Be Okay." She reminded herself. Just as she had done all day. "Everything will be okay." She said and walked downstairs. Henry and Emma were waiting at the door.
Emma looked at her. "Are you ready?"
Regina nodded. "I'm good." She said gently. "I'm okay."
Henry looked at her under his lashes. Ever since the incident he never looked at her he same way. It was like he was scared of her.
Regina fixed her hair.
Emma pulled her jacket off. "Wear this. The sleeves are longer."
Regina smiled. "It doesn't match the outfit."
Emma pulled the jacket back on. "We'll hold on. I'll grab one of my other jackets."
"I'll be okay. It doesn't bother me." Regina said. "Really. They show what I've been through." Regina said gently.
Emma looked at her with a smile. "Okay. Well let's get going."
       Regina took Emma's hand and the three walked outside and to the meeting hall. Regina walked to the platform. She clasped her hands together and smiled. "Hello everyone. As you know. It is the yearly re-election for mayor. And as you know Mr. Gold is running against me this year. The votes are being tallied as I speak. Will Mr. Gold join me up here please?" She said in a calm, cool tone.
     He walked up and smirked. "Who's your wrists Regina?" He asked in a hushed whisper.
     Regina gripped her hands tightly together. "I'm doing well. How are you Mr. Gold?" She said with a forced smile.
      "I'm fine." He said. Mother superior walked up with the envelope and handed it to Regina.
      Regina thanked her and walked back to the platform. "The results are in. You're new mayor is.." she opened it. "Mr. Gold." She said in a forced cheerful voice.
     Mr. Gold smirked at her and walks dup pushing her back to do his speech. Regina didn't blame them but when the town needed her she wouldn't be there to help them. She walked off stage. Emma walked over. "Are you Okay?"
     Regina looked at Emma. "I'm fine. I just hope they get what they voted for."
     Emma smiled. "I do too." She took Regina's hands and touched the bandages lightly.
    Regina looked at Emma's wrist as one of her sleeves rode up. All the lines were thin except for the ones at the base of her wrist. Regina looked at Emma. "We match."
      Emma smiled. "I guess we do." She kissed Regina's cheek. "How do you feel?" 
     Regina looked at Emma. "I'm fine." And for once she really meant it. "I really am okay."

    Regina smiled at Emma. She was hanging upside down from a branch. Regina chuckled. "What are you doing?"  
      Emma raised her eyebrow. "Having fun. You're being boring. Just sitting there."
    Regina stood up and pulled herself up onto the tree branch. "Better?"
   Emma sat up. "Now let yourself fall but hold onto the branch. Just hang upside down."
    Regina looked at Emma with wide eyes and smiled. "You're insane! I'm going to fall!"
    Emma chuckled. "No! I won't let you fall."
    "If I fall and you grab me then we both fall." Regina said.
    "Just do it! It's fun." Emma said.
   "So is cliff diving but I'm not doing that." Regina said.
    Emma rolled he eyes and swing upside down.
   Regina swung upside down and closed her eyes. She looked at Emma after a Moment. She looked at her then the ground holding onto the branch tightly. "I'm going to fall."
    Emma kissed her. "No you're not."   
    Regina kissed Emma back and swung herself off of the branch and landed on the ground below them. Emma sighed and got down. "What it that bad?"
     Regina smiled. "No."
Emma wrapped her arms around Regina. "Os it because you lost to gold?"
Regina shook her head. "No. I'm okay with that. I hate heights." Regina said.
Emma chuckled. She felt a rain drop and looked up. "It's going to rain."
Regina looked up. "Indeed."
"Let's go home." Emma said.
As soon as she said the words it began to down pour. Regina smiled as the blonde cursed loudly.
Regina took her hand. "Be happy."
"I look like a soaked rat." Emma said.
"A cute soaked rat. My soaked rat." Regina said. She shook rain out of her hair. "Come on." She led her down the sidewalk.
"Regina there's a incident at the meeting hall."
Regina turned in the rain. "Granny I'm not mayor I-"
"You're about all we have as a mayor right now." She said looking at Regina through the rain.
Regina looked at Emma than back at her. "What do you mean by that?"

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