Wake Up

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Emma looked at Regina. "Love it's been nearly a week. I need you to wake up love. I know it's hard but I really need you." Emma said softly. "Please wake up."
Emma looked at her wife. There was no movement. She kissed Regina's fingertips. "The baby needs to see you love. I talk about you and she responds. She needs you love. Henry needs you too. I need you."

    Emma led Henry to the incubator. "This is your sister." She said.
    He looked at her through the glass. "She's beautiful. Does she have a name?"
    Emma shook her head. "When your mother wakes she'll name her."
      Henry smiled and reached in with the gloves and lightly touched the baby. "She's amazing! She's so small. Is she healthy?"
    Emma smiled. "She's doing well Henry. They say maybe three months in here then she can leave. If all things continue to go well."
Henry looked at Emma. "And Mum?"
Emma took a deep breath and looked at baby. "I don't know baby. I don't know."
Henry looked back at the baby. "Can I see mum?"
Emma smiled. "Okay kid."
They both washed up. Said goodbye to the baby and walked to Regina's room. It's been nearly two weeks and Emma was very familiar with the hospital.
Henry hesitated and walked into the room Emma followed close behind.
He stopped at the bed. "Hey Mum. You have to wake up now. I have a school project due in two week and we know Momma can't do school work well."
Emma smiled softly.
Henry took Regina's hand into his. "Please Mum. I need you."
Emma took a shaky breath and walked over to Henry's side. "She heard you baby. I know she does."
Henry looked at Emma. "Then why won't she wake up?" He asked. His voice cracked. "I want my Mummy." She said softly.
Emma felt tears prick her eyes and she pulled Henry into her arms. "I know baby. I want her to wake up too."
He closed his eyes and cried softly against Emma's shoulder.
Emma kissed he top of his head and looked at Regina. Please wake up Regina. She thought.

Emma sat beside Regina's bed and gripped her wife's hand. "If you are there Regina squeeze my hand. Give me a sign. Please. The doctors want me to pull you off life support. I can't do it. I know you're still in there Regina. You just need to wake up."
She waited for a second. She felt nothing. "Please
Regina. Please!"
She saw nothing change. Emma stared to looked away.
Then she saw something that made her heart soar. Regina's ginger twitched and she felt Regina's hand curl tightly sprung hers.
Emma felt tears stream down her face. "You're still in there my love." She whispered softly.

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