Help You

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Five months:
Regina ran through the house. "Henry! This isn't funny! Get out here! We have to go!"
Emma walked in from the kitchen. They were talking but it seemed strained. Lilac finally went to college with the help of Regina.
So it was just emm Regina, Mia, and Henry.
Emma looked up the stairs. "Henry! You have to go to the new school! Quit being a child!"
"I am a child!" Henry's voice yelled back.
Lana sighed and closed her eyes. The baby kicked softly and Mia was giggling in her car seat waiting to be brought to the car.
Small steps walked down the stairs and Henry stood in front of Emma and Regina. "Fine." He said in a grumbly voice.
Regina opened her eyes. "God I don't know how much more of this I can take." She mumbled and walked over to Mia's car seat. She gripped he handle tightly and lifted it up with a small groan. Her back was killing her.
    Emma walked to the door and opened it ushering Henry outside. Regina followed, locking the door behind her.
    They got in the car and Emma drove them to the school. The car was silent.
    Regina rested her hand in her stomach and looked out the window. This pregnancy was easier on her but not by a lot. She could feel herself growing more and more stressed. She looked forward and straightened up in her seat.
    They arrived a few minutes later.
  Regina got out and opened the door to get Mia out. Emma was already walking Henry into the school.
   Regina grabbed the car seat and spun around running into a man. Hook. "Sorry love." He said taking a step back. "I didn't see you there.
    Regina sucked in a sharp breath. "It's alright. I didn't see you either. What brings you here?"
   "I got a job here. I'm the PE teacher." He said raising his eyebrow with a smile.
   Regina nodded and started to walk forward. "Well good for you." She mumbled and walked to the school. She walked to the office where Emma and Henry were.
    They signed a few papers and got Henry registered and the principal sent him off to class an hour or so later.
    Regina gripped Mia's car seat. She felt warm. Really warm. Out of nowhere. She chose to ignore it and stared to walk to the car with Emma.
    She felt her heart start to pound heavily in her chest. She got into the car after putting Mia in and she leaned on the window.
Emma looked at her. "Regina? What is it? You're really pale."
Regina opened her eyes. "I'll be fine. Nothing I haven't dealt with before."
Emma's cool hands touched her forehead. "You're burning up Regina."
Regina sat up. "I'll be okay."
Emma shook her head. "I'm going to help you."

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