Sorry Love

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Regina turned around and took a step back. "Killian? What the hell?!"
She hooked her finger under Lucky's collar as he growled at Killian.
    "Bloody hell! I didn't think you were going to be here. Sorry love. I'm on business for Mr. Gold. He sent me here to find something."
    "And in return you get what?" Regina asked.
  Hook hesitated.
    Regina rolled her eyes. "Come on. No one just does something for gold because he tells them to. There's always something given in return." Regina said.
"Okay Love. What did Emma tell you when she said she was leaving?" He asked.
Regina frowned. "She said she was going with her mother. What do you know Killian?"
"Right. Emma would be the nicest person to you. She doesn't want to worry you."
Regina loosened her grip on lucky. "What do you know?!"
Killian looked at the dog. "That furry animal is bigger then you love."
"I will let him rip you to shreds if you don't tell me what you know." Regina snapped.
"Emma is trying to find golds son." He said finally.
Regina sucked in a sharp breath. "Neal." She said breathlessly.
"Indeed. And if she doesn't succeed he said he will make the blondes live a living hell. And that is where you come in. Now I'm trying to find a painting Neal made for you? A few years back."
"Yes. I still have it. What do you need it for?" Regina asked.
"If I get him the painting then he will not hurt Emma in anyway. There's something about the painting. I don't know what he wants it for but I do I know I sent for it and I intend to leave with it."
      "And you believe that breaking into my house was the answer?" Regina asked as lucky pulled on the collar as he tried to jump at Killian. Regina jerked forward and gripped his collar tighter. "Lucky stop!" She snapped.
     The dog quit pulling on the collar and looked at her.
    "Sit down." She snapped.
   The dog obeyed.
      Regina loosened her grip. "I'll let you have the painting. In return you have to do something for me."
    "And What is that love?" He asked.
"Clean up your mess and next time ask me? Okay? Don't give me a heart attack. To much things have happened in my life. I don't need a break in on top of it all." She said softly.
"Right." He smirked. "Sorry about that love. The painting?"
"It's in the hall closet to the left." Regina said. "Henry! You can come out now! It's just Killian." She said watching the man clean up the mess.
He held the painting and looked at Regina. "Love I have to say. You're getting thin. Are you okay?"
"I'm fine. Take you painting and go." She snapped.
He looked at her worried and walked out.
Regina let go of lucky and Henry ran downstairs. "You okay?"
"I'm fine." She said sharply.
He crossed his arms. "I don't believe you. He was right. You're getting thinner. Mum what's really going on?"
"It's Nothing henry! Just-" she took a breath. "Go back to your room. I can't deal with you right now."
"Fine! Every time someone tries to help you, you push them away anyway! Why should I even try?!" He yelled and ran up to his room.
Regina hear his door slam. She flinched and felt the dogs nose at her hand. She knelt down and pet the dog. "It's okay boy." She said softly.
The door opened from behind Regina. "I knew you would warm up to him at some point."

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