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*Trigger warning!*

Regina looked at the bottle of medication. The pills mocked her. She sat on the ground of her bathroom. Door locked. Waiting for her next move. She knew this had to be done. It was the only way to keep from hurting anyone ever again.
She reached for the bottle and twisted the lid off. Regina stared at the pills that laid in the palm of her hand. So small yet so powerful. She closed her eyes, threw her head back, and swallow the pills.

Henry looked back at the house. He walked in slowly. "Mum? I'm home. I'm sorry for before." He said.
There was no answer. He walked upstairs and opened Regina's door. "Mum?" She wasn't in there. He frowned. He walked to the bathroom and saw the light on. He knocked. "Mum? Are you in there?"
No answer. He got on his hands a knees and looked under the door. He saw the empty pill bottle on the ground and his mother's lifeless hand beside it. She was unconscious. "Mum!" He crowd and pounded on the door. He ran to the house phone and called 911 "Hello? My mum is unconscious! She took a lot of pills. The bathroom doors locked. I can't get to her!" He gave them the address and called his mother. The blonde.
"Momma! You have to get home! Something happened! Mum is- she's-" he began to hyperventilate.
Emma tried to call him down. "Did you call 911? I'm on my way sweetie."
"They're on their way. What do I do?!" He asked in panic.
"Get the key. It's on the top of the door frame. Unlock the door and see if she's still breathing." Emma said calmly. He heard the panic waver her voice ever so slightly. Henry did as he was told and reached for the top of the door frame.
"Got it!" He said into the phone and unlocked the door. "What now?!"
"See if she breathing." Emma said. Her voice growing with fear. "I'm almost there."
Henry looked at Regina. "She's not breathing momma!"
"You remember your CPR classes?" Emma asked.
"Uh... Yes! Do the CPR?" He asked.
"Yes! Do the CPR. Count out loud."
Henry set the phone down, put it on speaker and started CPR.
He counted to thirty out loud and did mouth to mouth. Then repeated the steps. He heard the front door open. Two paramedics rushed in. "Hello?" They called.
"I'm here! I'm in the bathroom!" Henry called still doing CPR.
The men walked in. A young one touched his shoulder. "I'll take it from here. Is someone coming to get you?"
He nodded and let the other man do the CPR. "My other Mum is almost here. She's on speaker."
The man looked at the phone and picked it up. "Ma'am we will be moving the girl to the hospital." He said and began to inform Emma on what was going to happen.
Henry waited for Emma. She pulled up a few moments later and ran out of the car. Henry ran to her and she pulled him close. "It's okay. You did amazing baby." She whispered in his ear.
He began to cry. "It's all my fault! I said I wished she wasn't my mother! I-I shouldn't have said that!"
"Shh! Henry it's not your fault! I should have saw the signs before. Regina is very unstable right now Okay? None of this was your fault. It wasn't anyone's fault. Not even hers. Okay?" Emma said softly.
Henry hiccuped a sob. "I said I wished she would be normal! I don't wish that. I didn't even wish it when I said it." He said.
Emma rubbed his back soothingly. "It's okay Henry. It'll all be okay. Your mum will be okay. Just breath sweetie."
Henry hugged her. "I don't want to lose her."
Emma kissed his forehead. I don't want to lose her. Was all that echoed through Emma's head.
I don't want to lose you Regina.

( I know this is already a chapter title but both chapters need it. Hang in there loves. I'm always her to talk. )

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