None The Less

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Regina closed her eyes. "I can't take bed rest again."
"I'm sorry. If you want a chance to carry your baby to term that's the only option." Her doctor said.
Regina sighed. "I am never able to help my family out. And that will not get better if I can't do anything but lay in bed."
"I'm sure your family will understand." He said.
Regina sat up. "Right." She sighed.

Regina walked past the sidewalk and through the woods. She sat down under a tree and caught her breath. If she was in bed rest she wouldn't be of any help at all. So why be there? It would only cause more trouble for them. She didn't want that. So staying away was the best option. In her opinion. Regina pressed a hand to her stomach. "Why can't my life just be normal?" She asked herself and closed her eyes. "Why can't I be normal?"

Emma sighed. "We have to find her."
The whole town was looking. All but one. Emma walked over to Violets mother who was doing nothing. "Please. I get that you're angry with her but you have to help me. She's my wife. And if she doesn't rest she and the baby have a very high chance of losing their life. Please! I can't lose Regina."
Violets mother looked at Emma. "Why should I help?"
    "Because like it or not Regina is your mayor and without her the town will crash! She is my wife. She is carrying our child. And if anything happens to her my children will have to grow up without their mother."
   Violets mother sighed. "Fine. I'll help."
  "Thank you." Emma whispered. She joined her parents group.

    Regina heard a dog bark. It was followed by voices shouting. Shouting her name.
  Regina turned to the voice. Her heart fell. "Zelena."
     Zelena walked over to Regina. "You've given the town quite a scare. Why did you run?"
    Regina straightened her back and sighed. "I can't help my family. What is the point?"
    Zelena knelt down beside her sister. "They understand why you can't help Regina. Come on. Emma is frantic. Let's get you home."
    Regina tried to stand. She was exhausted. She didn't have the strength to stand. Zelena scooped her up. "You've grown light." She mumbled. Regina felt her vision slip and she was in darkness.

     "You found her! Regina!" Regina heard Emma's voice call. She forced her eyes opened. Zelena was holding her in her arms tightly. Her head resting lightly on her sisters shoulder. Emma lifted Regina into her arms. Regina felt a tear drop on her cheek. Not her tear. Emma's. Emma kissed her cheek. "Don't scare me like that. I thought something bad happened." She said.
    Regina gripped Emma tightly. She laid her head against her shoulder and closed her eyes letting the darkness return.
   Regina woke up on the bed. Emma laid next to her. "Good morning." The blonde said sitting up.
Regina reached her hand out and touched Emma's lightly. "Why did you search for me?"
"Because I love you." Emma said looking honestly confused. "You're my wife."
Regina closed her eyes for a second and opened them. "I love you too. I don't understand why you're being nice to me. I'm a horrid person."
Emma sighed. "No. You're not. You made a mistake. Everyone does. Maybe not that mistake. But I'm not mad. I love you. And I forgive you."
Regina sat up slowly and moved close to Emma. Emma's strong arms pulled her into her lap and held her. "I love you so much Emma."
Emma kissed her forehead. "I love you more than I can explain. Sure I was mad but I realized when you disappeared that I didn't have a reason to be upset anymore. I forgive you."
Regina curled up and laid her head on Emma's shoulder. She seemed to fit perfectly. Emma's other hand lightly rested on Regina's stomach. "It better be a boy. That's all I have to say about it."
Regina smiled. She missed this. "You would love a little girl like Mia."
Emma smiled. "None the less. I would love the child anyway. Just as I love you." She kissed Regina again. "I love you so much."

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