I Should Have Died!

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*warning self-harm and mention of suicide.*

"I said to stop Emma! Stop the yelling!" Regina shouted back at Emma.
Emma threw her hands up and clenched her fists. "God! You're so infuriating! Just shut up! For once! Shut your mouth!" Emma shouted.
Regina shut her mouth. She felt her throat block up and tears well in her eyes.
Emma growled frustrated and stormed out of the house slamming the door behind her.
Regina covered her mouth and squeezed her eyes shut. "Dammit." She said softly and stomped her foot.
She ran to the bathroom and shut the door.
This time it would work.
Regina grabbed the blades and dragged them across the base of her wrists. She closed her eyes and pulled her arm up dragging the blade up her arm. She did the same on the other. The blade dropped to the floor. She felt herself grow dizzy and she fell to her knees.
Henry walked downstairs Emma was walking in the house. "I heard yelling. Where's mum?"
Emma looked around. "I don't- shit! Henry go up to your room!" She ran to the bathroom door and knocked loudly. She received no answer. Emma twisted the handle pulling the door open.
Regina was on the ground. Blood pooling around her.
"Regina!" She pulled Regina into her arms and looked at her arms. "Oh god!" She lifted Regina up and ran to the kitchen. She called 911. "Please! My wife tried to kill herself! I need someone at my address now!"

Emma sat beside Regina's bed. "Please wake up. Please Regina."
The doctor walked in. "I think it is time to start saying goodbye Emma."
Emma looked at Regina. "No. Not yet."

Emma was pushed away from the bed. "Save her!" She cried.
"Get her out of here!" A nurse yelled.
Someone grabbed her arm and pushed her out of the room shutting the door.
Emma sobbed and fell against the door. "Save my wife!"

Regina woke up to the bright lights of the hospital room. She coughed and moaned. There was a tube down her throat.
"Regina? Regina! You're awake! Oh thank God." Emma said. Regina looked over to her.
She winced and closed her eyes. She couldn't talk. She couched again and winced.
Emma pressed the call button and a few nurses walked in.
"Oh look at that. Hello Regina. You have given us quite the scare. You're breathing on your own. Let's get that tube out." She slowly pulled the tube out.
Regina gagged and groaned. "Thank you." She said in a raspy voice.
"Well have your breathing monitored. For now we'll leave you with your wife." The nurse said. She watched them walk out.
Emma touched her cheek lightly. Regina looked over at her. "It should have worked." She said softly looking away.
"I'm so thankful that it didn't." Emma said softly. "Oh god Regina. I thought I lost you!"
Regina turned away. "That was the point! I should have died!"
Emma pulled away slowly. "Regina? No you shouldn't have. You have a beautiful life. You have three beautiful children. You have a smart-alick dog. Y- you have me."
Regina closed her eyes. "You didn't want me around! I could see that clearly!"
"No! No Regina. I love you. I just got upset. I'm sorry!" Emma said.
Regina looked at Emma. "I'm such a fucking mess."
"You are not. Okay? You are strong, beautiful and kind. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me Regina. Why can't you see that?"

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