The Hell House

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Regina looked around the building. Emma had sent her to a group house with other people with other disorders. She closed her eyes and walked to her room. She shared with another girl with bulimia. Ginger. Though her name wasn't a shocker. She was a bright red head like Regina sister. Although she was nothing like Zelena. Her sister was nice and unusually there if she needed her. Ginger was rude and Snippy. To everyone. Regina sat on the bed. She wore overalls with an oversized red long sleeves shirt underneath. One side hung off her shoulder slightly. Regina couldn't believe Emma had sent her here.
"Are you ready for you medication?" The nurse asked walking. The buildings had no doors except for the bathrooms so the people could walk in and out without knocking.
Regina shrugged. "Okay." The nurse handed her the pills and a glass of water. Regina's been her a few weeks. She knows the drill by now. She takes the pills and pretends to swallow them she waits for the nurse to leave and throws them out. The pills made her mind fuzzy and she didn't like that feeling. Regina watched her leave and threw the pills out and walked to the courtyard. She sat on the swing and sighed. It was the same old. They forced her to eat everything and made her take pills three times a day and then the day restarted the next day. Regina had counseling everyday when she first arrived. Now she has it once a week. Every time he made her draw a picture of how she saw herself. Everyday Regina lied. She would draw a version of herself that was a little bigger then how she actually looked and every time she went to picture got smaller and she watched his eyes light up thinking he made progress. He said she would leave in month or two. Regina liked the idea of leaving but she also knew that none of this was helping her and that scared her.
"You were in my jewelry weren't you?!" Ginger yelled scaring Regina as she walked up from nowhere. Regina stood up sharply and looked at her with wide eyes.
"No! I don't wear jewelry." Regina said. She clenched her hands into fists and her nails dig into her palms.
"Don't lie! My bracelet is missing." Ginger said.
A cult fluttered into Regina's face. "May I remind you there are no doors in this building. Anyone could have done it!"
Ginger slammed her against a tree with a lot of force. "You took it. And you're lying. Give it back or I'll get your privileges taken away and you'll have to stay longer."
Regina looked at her. "I didn't take it!" Privileges are what would get Regina out of here. She would risk loosing them. "I promise. You can look through my things. I didn't take it."
Ginger shoved her and stood back. "If I found it you took it I will murder you bitch." She said and walked away.
Regina looked at the girl with wide eyes as she walked away. Everyone was out to get her.

Regina sat at in the circle with everyone else for the pep talk. The instructor stood on the middle. "Let me remind you that sealing and violence is not okay. Now ginger is missing her bracelet and she has a black eye. Now does anyone know where. If bracelet is and if you hit her then tell me now. You must accept the punishment for your actions."
A girl raised her hand. "I saw ginger with Regina yesterday. They were yelling about something."
Regina closed her eyes. "I was simply stating I didn't take her bracelet." She said opening her eyes.
"And you told her that by hitting her?" The instructor asked.
Regina shot up and stumbled grabbing the back of the chair. "I didn't hit her! I don't take anything and I didn't hurt anyone!"
"Okay just sit down. We will figure this out."
Regina glared at the instructor. "This place is horrid. I'm done." She said and walked out of the room. She heard the instructor call after her. Regina ran out of the building growing dizzy the faster she ran. She heard the guards run after her and she ran out of the gates. She quickly hailed a taxi and got in. "If you take me to an atm I can get the money to pay you." She said quickly. The taxi driver nodded and began to drive. She watched the place grow smaller and she closed her eyes. Really Regina wasn't supposed to leave but she was aloud legally. She was an adult and could so what she please. Now all Regina had to worry about was how Emma would react.

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