Need Help

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*trigger Warning. Eating disorders, self-harm, depression. *
      Regina took a sip of her water and sat at the table looking over paperwork.
     "Mom?" She heard from the stairs.
   She stood to fast and stumbled. She grabbed the table and closed her eyes until the dizziness passed. "Yes Henry?" She said opening her eyes.
He walked into the room. "You let me sleep in."
Regina walked over to him. "How do you feel? You had a fever." She said ruffling his hair.
"I feel better." He said. "I still feel sick but not as bad."
Regina kissed his forehead. "That's good. Go sit and I'll make you some toast and get you some medication." She said.
He walked to the kitchen table and she walked to the bathroom and got some medication. She caught her reflection. She saw every bone outlined through her shirt. She shook her head and walked to the kitchen. "Do you have any homework from yesterday? I'm having Mary Margaret bring your homework over."
He looked up. "Shes out of jail?"
Regina nodded and made his toast. She set the plate down and the mediation along with a glass of water. "She left two days ago." She said sitting down.
Henry smiled. "Shes back at school?"
Regina nodded again. "She is. Which is why you need to take your medication so you can get well in order to see her."
"Are you taking medication?" He asked taking his medication.
Regina shook her head and furrowed her brows. "No. Why?"
He shrugged. "You've gotten thin and I just though you were sick and have to take medicine." He said taking a drink of his water then another.
Regina set the cup down gently. "Don't drink too much too fast. I'm not takin medication. I am sick but I'll get better." She said hoping maybe one day it'll be true.
"Okay." He said simply and took a bite of his toast. There was a knock on the door.
Regina stood up slowly. "I'll get it." She said and walked over opening the door. "Hello?"
Emma stood on the porch. "I wanted to see how Henry's doing." She said obviously nervous.
Regina nodded. "Well come in." She said. "He's at the table."
Emma walked in and Henry stood up. "Mom!"
Regina shut the door and tried to ignore Henry's comment. Her vision began to dot black again. She leaned on the door as they spoke and tried to clear her vision.
Regina looked over. "I'm sorry. Yes?" She asked knowing this wasn't the first time emma had called her. She just missed it the first few time.
"I was asking if I could hang with Henry upstairs." Emma said looking at her worried.
Regina straightened herself up. "I suppose. As long as you see to it he gets his school work done."
Emma looked at Regina for a second and turned to Henry. "I will see to it that he does." Then the two walked upstairs. Regina closed her eyes for a second and walked to the kitchen table picking up Henry's breakfast mess. She set the plate And glass in the sink and walked to the bathroom locking the Do for behind her. She stripped down and stood on the scale. Her daily routine. She looked at the scale. 98.7 there was a knock on the bathroom door snapping her out of the trance. "One moment." She said slipping her clothing back on. She rearranged her hair and opens the door.
"Henry said his book bag was on the table and I'm not sure if he thinks it there or if it's in-"
"He means the living room table. He leaves it there even though he has a hook." Regina said. She led Emma to the living room. Emma glanced back at the bathroom seeing the scale lying on the floor then she turned back to the brunette. Regina handed her his book bag.
Emma gasped at Regina's icy hands brushed hers.
Regina looked at her concerned. "Emma?"
Emma looked at her. "Your hands are so cold!" She exclaimed.
Regina looked at her hands. "Yes I suppose they are."
Emma looked at her. "Regina are you sic-"
"I'm fine." She snapped. She hesitated and rephrased her statement. "I'm okay." She said softly. "I had the stomach bug. I'm getting over it. I believe that's what Henry got."
Emma nodded not really believing her. "Okay. I'm here if you ever need it Regina." She said waking to the stairs.
"I'll consider the offer but I don't think I'll need it." Regina snapped. "Now go before I change my kind and make you leave."
Emma walked up the stairs. She sighed. Regina needed help. She just wasn't sure how to help a person work didn't want to accept her help.

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