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Regina cleared her head and walked downstairs. It had been an hour and a half.
      Emma walked in just as Regina hit the bottom stair.
  "I haven't found him." She said. Emma frowned. "Regina you're so pale."
    Regina walked over. "Did you call the police?"
   Emma shook her head. "I was on my way to. Are you okay?"
     "Just a little dizzy is all." Regina said softly.
   "Go lay down. I'll find Henry." Emma said.
  "I want to-"
      "Regina please. I'll find him. You need to rest. I promise I'll come get you when something changes. Okay?" Emma asked.
   Regina let out a breath and looked at her wife. "Okay. Okay I'll go rest." She said.
    Emma kissed regina. "I love you Regina. I know it may not seem like it all the time but I do."
   Regina kissed Emma back. "I love you too my swan." She said softly and walked upstairs.
Emma watched Regina go upstairs and sighed. "Henry why are you making things so hard?" She mumbled to herself and called the police. She then joined to search.
Emma was in the town with the others.
She heard a familiar voice. "Where's Regina? Why isn't she helping?" Mary Margaret asked walking over.
     Emma crossed her arms over her chest. "She almost had a miscarriage. I am making her stay home." Emma said.
Mary Margaret was quiet. She looked at Emma. "I'm sorry Emma. I hope everything turns out fine."
Emma nodded and looked the other direction.
Archie came running. "We found him emma! He was with a girl. He's terrified. They were found by the docks."
Emma ran to the docks and saw Henry sitting on the ground. She saw the girl with someone who seemed to be her mother. Emma ran to Henry. "Oh my god Henry! What were you thinking?!" Emma asked pulling the boy into her arms. She was shaking with fear. Emma lifted his chin. "What is it Henry?"
He looked at the girl. "I-I didn't want to run. She threaten me. A-and she threatened Mum. I-I didn't want to be mean." He rambled. "I want to go home mommy." He whimpered.
Emma felt her heart break. "Henry it's okay now." She whispered and held him close rubbing his back. He began to sob.
The mother of the girl walked over. "Is he okay?"
Only then did Emma realize it was the intern.
The girl walked over. "Mum can we go home now?"
The intern looked at her daughter and nodded. "I'm sorry for all this trouble Mrs. Swan-Mills." She mumbled and followed her daughter.
Henry was now clinging to Emma to keep from passing out. He was exhausted. Emma scooped him up and walked to her car and they drove home.
He stirred on the way. "Momma what if she comes back?" He mumbled.
Emma looked at the dark road. "It'll all be okay Henry. Go back to sleep." She said softly. There was no reply. He had already passed out.
Emma pulled into the driveway and carried Henry up to his room.
Regina sat beside his bed asleep. She held one of his pillows close.
Emma set Henry in the bed and picked Regina up and moved her to their room.
Regina grabbed Emma's wrist gently. "You found him?" She asked In a sleepy haze.
Emma kissed Regina's forehead. "Yes love. He's okay." She said.
Emma straightened up. Now she had to figure out what was really going on between Henry and this young girl.

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