I Want To Trust You

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Regina changed and walked to the living room. Emma was just walking through the door and Henry followed close behind. Regina frowned. "What is Henry doing home?"
      Emma looked at Regina with an annoyed look. "Let him tell you."
    Regina looked at Henry and crossed her arms. "Well?"
     He looked at her. "I got someone."
   Regina looked at him with wide eyes. "You What?!"
     He looked at his feet. "And the Someone was the principal."
     Regina looked at him with anger in her eyes. "The principal?! Why would you do that?!"
     He looked at the ground, ashamed. "He was suspending this girl for getting into a fight and they got into an argument that was so heated that he grabbed a desk without thinking and I guess I wasn't thinking either and I just hit him."
     Regina looked at Emma with a sigh. "I'll go to the school and sort this out. You may figure out how to punish him. I can't deal with this right now."
Emma looked at Henry. "Okay. Henry upstairs now. I'll be up in a bit."
He ran upstairs. Regina looked at Emma. "I can't handle this right now Emma."
Emma looked at her. "I know. I'm sorry. I'll figure something out."
Regina nodded and grabbed her jacket. "I'll be back soon. Don't miss the appointment."
      "I will try my best." Emma said and walked upstairs.
    Regina walked outside, down the sidewalk. She walked to the school. Mary Margaret was standing outside waiting with the other students. Reina walked past her ignoring the comments she made and walked into the building straight to the principals office. She knocked and the door opened. "Ah Mrs. Mills. Come in."
     "You threatened a student with a desk?" Regina asked without hesitation.
     "I didn't do that." He said sitting down.
    "Show me the video tapes." Regina said. "Give me proof."
     He looked at her. "Of that's what you want Mrs. Mills."

   Regina looked at the tape. "So you did threaten the student with a desk."
      He looked at the tape. "I didn't think I did. I must have blacked out."
   Regina looked at him. "I would think so."
        "He's still suspended."
    "And I understand that. But I believe you should reconsider the time frame of the suspension." Regina said.
     "I'll consider other options but for now it's still the same." He said.
    Regina stood up. "And you know I'll have to tell the appropriate authorities about the incident."
      He nodded.
   "If We're on the same page then I will have to excuse myself. Have a nice day." She said short and determined. She walked out of the building and stopped by her office. She shut the door and leaned against the door and began to cry. She cannot believe she raised Henry to be violent. He should have known to think and he didn't. That was her fault. It was her own fault he didn't think before he hit the man. She wiped her tears and stood up. Crying was weakness and she didn't have show more weakness than she already has. She walked back out and kept walking.

Emma looked at her watch and back at hopper. "She'll Be here. She wouldn't miss it. She made a big deal about me not missing."
Hopper looked at her. "Emma it's been two hours. I don't think she's coming. I think you need to go. I have other patients to attend to."
Emma stood up. "Okay. Well thank you for your time." She said and walked out. "Regina where the hell are you?"

Regina sat in the bathroom. She covered her face and Sighed. She couldn't believe she had did that. All her progress down the drain. She had ruined it all. She knew it was wrong but In a way it felt okay. She got a shower and got out as changed into a pair of sweats and an oversized T-shirt. She walked outside of the bathroom after making sure everything was cleaned up. She walked to her room and Emma was waiting on the bed. "You didn't show up."
Regina set her clothing in the wash hamper. "I got caught up with the principal."
"Someone saw you walk out an hour before the appointment."
Regina looked at Emma. "I don't want to talk about it."
Emma looked at her. "No. We need to talk about it. If you want me to help you then you have to help me Regina."
Regina sat on the bed. "I said I don't want to talk about it."
Emma sighed. "Okay. Fine. Don't talk about it." She stood up and grabbed her pillow and a blanket.
Regina looked at her. "Where are you going?"
"Down stairs to the couch. I don't want to sleep with someone who doesn't trust me enough the let me help them."
Regina watched Emma leave. "I want to trust you." She said softly. "But I can't. The voice in my head saying I'm not good enough won't let me. I'm sorry." Regina got up and walked to the bathroom. She locked the door and turned on the water and-

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