Stay Alive

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Regina sat on the bed. Field day was a blur. She remembered nothing. Henry had fun. He's told her but she remembered nothing. Emma has been sent on business for a few weeks and Regina didn't know how long she could keep this under control. She looked at the ceiling and after a few minutes she was snapped out of her trance by a knock on the door. Regina shook her head slightly and got up and answered. "Henry! What do you need?" She asked the boy.
He looked at her. "Can I stay with Mary Margaret and David this week? They asked."
Regina looked at her son. "Well... I don't see why not. Go get packed. Are they picking you up?"
He nodded. "They said they will." He kissed her cheek. "I love you."
Regina kissed his forehead. "I love you too."
He ran off to his room. Regina walked downstairs and waited for her son to make his way down with his things.
   There was a knock on the door a few minutes later. Regina got up slowly and answered. Mary Margaret stood in the door way. "Is he ready?"
     Regina looked at the stairs. "He should be down soon. You can come in and wait if you want."
      She made room for mary Margaret to pass though she didn't have to move much. Mary Margaret stood in the front room and Regina shut the door. She walked upstairs and knocked on genus door just as he opened it. "Is She here?"
     Regina nodded. "Are you ready?"
   He nodded and hugged her. "I love you."
   Regina kissed his head. "I love you too."
   Henry ran down the stairs and looked back up. He hoped this wouldn't be the last time he saw him mother.
    Regina heard he door shut and she walked to her room. She pulled a jacket over her thin shoulders  as she began to shiver from lack of body heat. She had to do this often. Regina looked in her full length mirror and sighed. The layers she wore made her appear less thin than she was. She was pale underneath the makeup. And she was freezing under all the layers. She sat on the bed and pulled her knees up to her thin chest. She closed her eyes and wish it all would end. She wished she would end all together.

    Regina woke up sharply with the sun shining brightly in her room. She looked at her clock. 10:32 She closed her eyes and sighed. It was Tuesday. She had slept through Monday. She got up and stumbled. Black dots filled her vision. She held her hand on the nightstand and fell to the floor. She felt sick and tired.
    Regina looked at the person speaking. Her old childhood friend. Grace. She had died of bulimia. Regina shook her head. "You're dead-"
     "And you're dying." Grace said. "Don't you feel it? Your liver is failing. Your heart is trying hard to keep beating. You're in the middle of life and death."
      Regina looked at her. "I can't die."
    "There's no other way. You have to cross over." Grace said sitting on Regina's dresser.
     Regina looked at her. "Is there a way I can-"
    "Stay alive? No. You have to die." Grace said.
     Regina felt her heart stop for a second that pump on tiredly. She looked at Grace. "Go away. It's your fault I'm like this."
      Grace smiled. "It made you in control."
    Regina close her eyes and shook her head. "Go away!"
    "It's not so bad. I can go and see the world. I can see whatever I want."  
       "You haven't reached heaven." Regina said. "You haven't done what you need to move on."
      Grace looked at old friend. "I am to help you move on."
    Regina looked at the dresser. She picked up a small charm on a chain. "Do you remember this?"
    Grace looked at it. "I have to you on your 15th birthday."
    Regina nodded. "It can see the stars line up."
   Grace nodded. "Legion says it can give wishes when you wish on the stars and look through it."
    Regina looked out the window. The stars shine bright. She lined up the charm. "I wish I could stay alive." She said softly. Then everything went warm and light filled the air.
      Regina woke up and looked around the room. Her heart pounding. She felt weak and lightheaded. Regina reached for the phone and dialed. "Emma? I need you. My liver is about to fail. And my heart of giving out. I need you." She said weakly and left the phone to dangle at the side of the dresser. She closed her eyes and smiled. she knew she would stay alive for now. She knew.

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