I Hate It

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Two weeks have come and gone. Emma had called everyday. Everyday it made regina hurt more to be away from her.
Regina sat at the table stirring her salad with a fork reading some paper work.
Henry looked at her. "Mom. What's so important?"
Regina looked up. Her fork coming to a stop. "Just some town business." She set the papers down and looked at Henry. "Did you feed the dog?"
He nodded. "You're not eating your dinner."
She took a bite. "I'm distracted. Sorry." She said and took a sip of water.
Regina had been trying really hard to eat. For Henry and Emma.
Regina took another bite and Henry scooted his chair back. "May I be excused?"
His plate was empty. Regina nodded. "Put it in the sink. And get started on your homework please."
He nodded. "I will." He kissed her cheek and took his things to the sink. He ran upstairs and his door shut.
Regina picked up the paperwork again and sighed. Granny's wasn't getting enough business. If it didn't start then they would have to shut it down.
Regina stood up and walked to the counter and pulled out a container. She put the remains of her salad in the dish and put it in the fridge.
Regina looked up. "Yes?"
He looked at the fridge. "You'd don't finish your food."
"I'll finish it later. I have to go somewhere."
"Can I Come?" Henry asked.
Regina thought for a moment. "I don't see why not."
She gathered up the paperwork and put it in her bag. She grabbed her coat and Henry's scarf. "It's cold. You'll need this."
He rolled his eyes and pulled his coat on. Regina wrapped his scarf around his neck and the two walked out.
They walked to granny's.
Henry smiled. "Hey why do you have to go here?"
"Work." Regina stated. She spotted her sister. "Please go sit with Zelena."
He sighed and ran over to Zelena's table.
Regina walked to the counter. "Granny."
Granny looked up. "You finally got to the paperwork."
"I'm mayor. Not a super hero. It takes time. I'm running a whole town here." Regina snapped. "And yes I got to your paperwork."
"Then you know the dilemma. And-"
"I know about it." She snapped and waved her hand through the air. "Maybe if you had some hospitality then you'd get customers who payed. Something I cannot fix." Regina snapped.
"Mom! What is going on?!" Henry snapped and glared.
Regina looked at Henry. "This doesn't concern you."
"Why are you yelling? Granny is very nice and you're being very mean to her-"
"Stop!" Regina shouted and slammed her hand on the counter.
Henry jumped. "You're going back to the way you used to be. I hate it!" Henry cried out and ran out the door.
Regina closed her eyes and pinched the bridge of her nose. She finally looked at granny. "I suggest you come up with more ways to promote your business. If that doesn't help then we can speak of other options. Have a good day." She said softly and walked out of the diner quietly. The whole diner watched as she left.
Regina walked down the sidewalk and looked for Henry. She saw him run back to their house. She followed and shut the door behind her.
She heard Henry run upstairs. Regina sighed and grabbed some clothes. She need a shower to cool off. Regina walked to the bathroom and locked the door behind her. She started the water and hesitated when she saw the scale. She took a sharp breath, undressed and stepped on it.
Regina's breath caught. She didn't think she lost that much. She looked in the mirror. Her bones were starting to become very pronounced. If she lost anymore then you would see them through her clothing. She shut her eyes and shoved the scale back into its original hiding place. She got a quick shower and got out.
She heard the front door slam open as she was walking out of the bathroom pulling her hair back.
"Henry?" She called.
He looked up from the top of the stairs. "Mom? Are you leaving?"
Regina frowned. "No. Go in your room and lock the door please." She said and walked to the open door. Lucky ran to her side playfully.
"Hello?" She called.
Glass shattered from behind her. Regina turned and-

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