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This book is unedited and discusses religious topics that may be incorrect. Please excuse these errors that will be fixed in time. If you have any input/corrections please feel free to comment POLITELY on the section so I can change it as soon as possible.

These were old ideas that I blindly added into my story for the sake of diversity. I should have done more research beforehand and I am sorry if I offend or upset anyone of this religion.

The Beginning

Chai Bennett opened the door to her large one bedroom apartment, finding the entire unit in a complete mess. A couple years ago she would have been furious but at this point in time, she wasn't surprised. It was almost routine to come home and clean up after her boyfriend, Derek Frost.

Derek was a slob which was a major turn off since he always posed himself as a well put together young man. He made regular visits to the barber shop and made sure he was well groomed. He never stepped out the house without a fresh outfit and new shoes to go along with it. He maintained his 360 degree waves and often wore a silky to keep the style in tact. What made it even better was when he doused himself in his expensive Tom Ford cologne which made her melt in his arms whenever they hugged.

Unfortunately behind the get up, Derek was the laziest and arguably the most nastiest person Chai has ever met. It was cute when they were sixteen but five years later,  Derek was still caught up in the same old habits and had no intentions on changing himself.

"You home baby?" He muttered without taking his eyes off the TV screen. Chai nodded as she closed the door behind her, watching him play his game with a bunch of garbage and clutter around him. He was comfortable in the recliner in front of their large flat screen TV, wasting hours playing the latest popular game that was bound to die out within a couple of years.

"Yeah...I'm home. Derek you couldn't clean up? Look at this mess. You have chip bags all over the floor, water bottles everywhere. What's up?" Chai asked in dismay as she continued to survey the apartment, finding more and more things wrong with it.

"I'll clean it up when I'm finished, baby. It's not a problem—OH!" He jerked up from the recliner as he almost lost a life trying to do a stunt on the game. Chai sighed and began picking up all the garbage, knowing that he wasn't going to clean it up.

She placed all of the trash in the can and went to the back of the apartment, listening to him carrying on about his game and acting as though she wasn't even there. Chai never got as much as a how was your day? She always came home to a messy apartment in which she was expected to clean and care for. On top of that, she had to take care of Derek in all aspects.

She made him dinner all the time, did his laundry whenever she did hers and had to be ready to give herself over whenever he was in the mood. It was one of those relationships where the man felt entitled to everything and the woman had no say.

In modern day, women often spoke up about their circumstances but Chai wouldn't dare. Derek was the hand that fed her and she had to comply with his demands. He was the only one she had and in a way she felt like she owed him. She wasn't necessarily happy but she was surviving.

"Chai, go make me some food. I just got us some groceries...I'm in the mood for some chicken."

Chai sighed and put down her bag on top of the king sized bed, taking out everything she put in for the day. She was exhausted from working ten hours at her minimum wage job. She had to put up with an uptight boss, nosey co-workers and rude customers for hours on end and it took a toll on her. She didn't necessarily have to work since Derek covered most of her needs and wants but she still needed a distraction to stay away from him for as long as possible.

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