Chapter 5

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Stella Ryana's POV

I've been thinking lately when I was confined due to cancer. It was hard to accept my fate but I must accept it. And Ate Lita and Kuya Tino insisted to pay the hospital bills and the chemotherapies and radiotherapies for the treatment of my cancer. I refused them for there it was no use and it will be a waste of money because I will die soon and I'm loosing to believe in miracles. But they were so persistent to pay and cure my cancer. With that I felt the love of my father and mother that I forgot. They paid the hospital bills, medical maintenance, therapies etc. They already spent a hundred thousands already and I can't even see a small improvement. The buisness we sacrificed our sweat and blood to boom was lossing and any time it will be bank crupted. Ate Lita and Kuya Tino are getting just to find money. They were drowning from enormous ammount of debt from different banks and person. Their daughters became aloof to me because I was really a huge burden to me and it was really opposite from the first time they welcomed me like I was a lucky clover leaf to their family. Every bad luck came sinc last month was caused by me but still Ate Lita and Kuya Tina were smiling genuinely like nothing happens.

"Ate Lita? Kuya Tino? I will just go out and buy goods at the mall." I volunteered but the two of them were hesitant to allow me.

"I promise I will return not even a scratch happens to my skin." I raised my hand and cross my heart. "And also I'll bring Pilo. I want to have a short bonding with him in case Lord will get me early" I said to ease the serious atmosphere.

"Its not a nice joke Dear." Ate Lita warned me while forcing her Asian eyes to huge. "Ok but please Dear be careful." She added.

"I'll just go with you Stella." Kuya Tino blurted but I shool my head.

"I can handle my self Kuya Tino don't worry I'll return here safe and sound." I assured to them even thou I don't know whag will happen to me after this.

"Ok please be careful Stella" Kuya Tino said.

I went out and went to my destination. They never failed to show concern to me even if were not blood related but after this there will no burden anymore for them. I was riding a taxi towards my destination. It will be a 30 minutes travel. A long time to think about backing out but there no need to back out. This is for the future.

I arrived at the village thay I've been watching lately. Luxurious houses, elegant manor, extravagant gardens and huge gate. I was walking following the pathway. I was here for only one reason.

Pilo was sleeping peacefully in my arms. He is two months old already. He's so handsome for sure he will make the girls cry. Those smooth curves and how deep was his eyes was so familiar to me. I can Pilo as smaller feature of someone I can't remember. He was really adorable.

I continued walking. Passing huge gates every a hundred meters. The road was to dark but the mansions shines like crystals in a cave. The light I only have is the light from the post lamp. Few steps and I was here. Facing a huge brass gate with a lettering A.D.V.. It must be their adress but my heart was beating so fast as if it was against with my decision.

Watching Pilo two cute innocent stares made me doubt my decision but this is for him. I will die soon I want him to have a family. A family I can't give to him. I am a failure. I am frail mother. I am a dissapointment for him. I was hoping he can't remember me a weak woman who can't be independent for her dependent child. I will nothing for him anymore once I've done it. I hope he will forgot me but I still I wish I will be part of his life. An unrembered fragment of disappointment. He made me happy for a short term. It was llve I felt for him. I was to attached for him that I wouldn't loose a glance to him. He was my happy pill. He lighted every dim parts of my life. He lifted up my crashed emotions. But I exchanged it with an early good bye. He doesn't deserve someone like me. He deserve a woman who is better than. A woman who can be a mother. A mother who is responisble. A person to lean on. And it was not me. It was someone. I will be just the person who gave birth to him.

No matter how dissappointment I am Pilo will be always my son, my heart and my light. I was hugging him tightly until a noise of car coming near by location. In a swift motion while carrying Pilo I hid at the huge bush nearby the gate. A luxurious sports car pass by. I saw the silhoutte of a man with defined jaw and the other feature were hidden in the dim lights of the car. The huge neo classical gate opened and it reaveled how magnificent the place was. I diver my eyes to Pilo after gates closed.

I slowly walked towards the single gate for a person. I placed the thick sheets of blanket to make sure Pilo will be comfortable. I placed him on the blanket coverin his whole body except his face. I knelt down caress his cheek and kissed his forehead.

This will be the last kiss. This will be the last time I can watch these two cute adorable eyes. The last time touch my baby. This will be the last but still I will protect him no matter what. No death nor travail can stop me. I want him to forgot me but I'll keep myself as mother to him. I pressed the doorbell vigorously.

Then I strode away from the house with verge tears in my eyes. I was sobbing like a wild animal. My heart clenched every steps I take. Until I heard a sound of opening gates. I sighed in relief. Pilo was seen already and he will be in the confortable arms of someone while I was leaving and dying with a whole in my heart. My death will be greivious for me but I can't decide for my fate. Then I went out from the village with tears flowing down. I rode a jeep routed to Kuya Tino's place.

I arrived at the house late due to traffic. I was walking like a zombie with swollen eyes from crying. Ate Lita and Kuya Tino was shocked as I entered the house. I was really mess

"Dear!?" "Stella!?" They said in unison. "What happened to you" Kuya Tino asked.

"Where is Pilo?" Then Ate Lita asked
It my me break down. I cried again. This time it was a huge tears wete falling down. I was crying out loud until I felt an unbearable pain from my stomach. I hold my stomach and screamed in pain. Ate Lita and Kuya Tino hurriedly went by myside and helped me. It was so painful like daggers were penetrated in and out repeatedly from my stomach. I was still screaming then I slouched on the floor while crying. Until I felt I lost my energy and everything turns black.


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