Chapter 18

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Alexanders POV

I was disgusted with her face. I stormed outside the room and went to the cafeteria to cool down myself. I was filled with intense anger for a wrong reason. Shes one week pregnant and shes claiming that I was the father of her baby. I maybe or may not be the father of her baby. It was hard to trust her after all what she had done to me. Cheat.

I was trying to think critically to know by myself what are her intention. But she had no plans or intention in the first place. It was me. I bought herself to return and let her feel what Ive been through. I did what I wanted to do on her and it was immoral but a blissful feeling exploded every time I see her crying and breaking.

Every mind and heart rarely have the same idea on situations. My mind and heart was battling inside me. My mind was reminding how bitch Stella was. Its her intention to get pregnant and live with the wealth that surrounds me but my heart speaks differently. Stella was pregnant with my child. It is a chance to take and worth for the risk. Stella will be the mother of my children. A thought of Stella following our children playing and running around the backyard come up.

No! That will never happen. Still I loathed Stella more. The hatred and anger was at the peak and Stella being pregnant was a shallow reason to forgive. She must not be forgive but she must be forget.

I decided to return back to her room and confront her frankly about her true plans and intention. From her act of having amnesia until this pregnancy of her. When I entered the room. The deafening silence greeted me. No any sounds of movements. Stella was not here in her room. Panic and anger filled my brain filaments. I was searching every part of the room the comfort room, cabinets, etc but no presence of Stella I saw. Stella was not really here. I went to the nurse's ward and ask for where Stella.

"Nurse Stella was not in her room. Where is she?" I asked the nursse

"Sir she's just in her room sleeping peace and sound" The nurse calmly said and smiled fliratiously.

"Shit! She's not in her room I search her in the C.R., cabinet, under the tables and bed and none I hadn't find her.

"Don't worry Sir the hospital has strong security system." She was said in a higher voice making it screeching for my ear. She's being flirt despite of  the situation. I was irittated when I slammed the ward's counter loudly and harsh. It made the nurse startled and crumbles in fear.

"MAKE SURE NOTHING WILL HAPPEN TO HER OR ELSE YOU'LL LOSE A JOB." I said and left her shocked with open mouth.

I was searching every parts of the hospital when I saw a blood on the floor. I felt that I must follow the blood drip track. I followed until I saw a familiar petite figure. I was so sure it was her. It was Stella.

"STELLA!" I shouted at her direction. Her wrist was dripping blood so the blood I followed was her track.

She looked a glance at me. She was so fragile. She was in her weakest state as you can see in her eyes. Her eyes were darted on me it was in a deep agony. Her angelic face was so fragile and any moment herself will surrender.

She was looking af my eyes and waved her hands. And her pale lips were moving. She was mouthing a good bye to me. Good bye.

But I was not expecting what happened next. She intentionally unbalanced herself while aiming to go down stairs.

But in a miliseconds I saw her smiled sadly same as her eyes who was in deep agony. I run towards her direction but i felt I was runing eternally reaching for her but I can't. Until I hears a loud and strong impact.

Blag Blag Blag.

I was standing the upper part of stairs shocked because of the sight. Stella was bleeding intensely. Her head bleeds and the blood flows down like river on the floor. And she had blood in her lower area flowing all the way down. Her body was full of blood. The floor turned into red due to the blood flowing. She fell from a long stairs.

I ran immediately towards her and now I was crying at the sight of Stella. A fragile Stella. So thin, pale and weak. All the walls I built shattered in into pieces until it was fine. Repugnance faded in seconds. All I have for her was pitty.

"STELLA! NO! NO!" Hot tears were escaped from my eyes. The tears of sadness made face wet. I was crying hugging and my face was facing her.

"STELLA DON'T LEAVE ME SECOND TIME AROUND!"  I was holding her cheeks caressing it with her blood. I cried so loud. While I was hugging her dying body. I kissed her forehead manytimes and her lips waiting for her to wake up. But she remained lifeless. I was hugging her tighlty murmuring in her ear "please don't leave me Stella' until the doctors and nurses arrived.

They transferred Stella into a stretcher and immediately rushed her to the emergency room. I was waiting outside. Thought of Stella's wake broke and crushed my heart into pieces. I kept diverting my mind but I can't stop thinking of it. My heart beats fast for something bad will happen. I immediately asked for God's  help

'Gos please help my wife Stella to survive and fight death. It was always she that matters to me. I loathed her. I hated her. I battered her. Despite of all what I've done to her I was loving her but I was hiding it in the deep parts of my heart. Please help her God. I can't see her dying. I can't live without her. And Lord please save our baby from death. The baby is innocent he don't deserve to suffer and pay for what I've done. I was hoping that I should be there in their position. I hoped I can steal all those suffering from them. Please God. I denied my love from Stella. I denied our baby. From the first place I know it was mine but hatred consumed me. I'm so sorry God for what I done. Please dont let them suffer. It must be me. I shouls be there in their places. God save them please. Amen'

I was genuinly praying when the doctor came out from the E.R.. I can feel something bad happened base on the doctor's expression

"Doc how is the baby and my wife?" I was asking the doctor out of fear.

"Unfortunately Mr. De Valle the baby didn't make it. The cause of the miscarriage was hemorrhagic trauma. And to your wife to your wife I'm sorry..."

I didn't stop myself to break down infront of someone. I punched the wall with full force that made my kunckles bleed amd bruises. Why? Why? All I done was I just love someone.

I loved her but she left.

All I have dome was loving yet I was always left.p

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