Chapter 10

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Stella Ryana's POV

The light that passes from the curtain fabric woke me up. But I felt the bed was moving. I opened my eyes and I quickly saw Alexander's sweaty face. He staring at me intently. He was thrusting in and out inside me. While my sleepy state abruptly faded away. He was groaning every thrust he made. He stopped and sat at the edge of the bes in front of a full length mirror he signaled me to sat on his lap. I lazily followed and stand in front of him. I was facing at him when signaled his hand to me to rotate by making a circular motion of a finger. He patted his lap a d I sat on his lap. I was facing in front of the mirror while my back met his hard and chiseled chest. While Alexander was facing my bare back and I was sitting on his lap. The position was so erotic that I can feel his shaft was so hard and long 1as it was pressed against my back. Alexander slightly lifted me and handed his shaft towards my entrance. I lowered myself slowly feeling his long shaft inside me. I watch my reflection in mirror and pumped in and out slowly. His hand explored my body until he decided to play with my clitoris while I was busy pumping in and out.

"Ahhh Ahhh Xander" I moanes as the pleasure doubled. His shaft was inside me and his hand was playing my clitoris. I was panting and breathing heavily as I pumped myself faster. He's arms supported and guided me inrl riding his shaft.

"Xander Xander Xander" I was chanting his name like a ritual. Everytime his shaft made its way all the way in myself.

"Stellaahhh" He moaned my name softly. I was shocked but I continues moving. He mentioned my name it was first time. He didn't call me with a low key name.

"I'm coming, come with me." He said in his breatje

"I'm coming too Xander." I said and made my pumping faster and rabidly. After few pumps I felt weak as I cummed. Alexander hugged me tighlty and made a few slow thrust and I felt his fluid exploded inside me. he moved slowly while his head was resting in my shoulders. He hugged me and rolled in the bed not removing his shaft inside me. The hug sent shiver down to my spine made me frozen for miliseconds. His touch made my skin goose bumps. He was still hugging me when he removed his shaft inside me. I let him fall asleep before I stood up from bed. I found a robe and wore it. It's seven in the morning so I cooked breakfast and good thing the refrigirator was complete of goods. I cooked bacon and sunnyside-up. I made sure it was cooked perfectly parts must be overcooked and the eggs must be perefectly rounded. I prepared the table and the breakfast. I was preparing Alexander's water when he suddemly showed up.

He's hair was mess but still he was dashingly handsome. I can't stop staring from his eyes. Those.familiar hazel brown eyes, the sharpemess of his nose, the shape of his lips and every facial details of him was familliar to me.

"What are those?" He blanlkly asked far from Alexander who hugged me earlier.

"I prepared a breakfast for you." He smiled secretely still I saw it. "Part of my service." I said happily to him but it seems his reaction was contrary to what he expected he was angry. He went towards the table and I was glad

hat he'll eat the breakfast because I  worked hard for it. But I wasn't expecting what he did next. I looked pale and shock. He just went at the dining table grab the plate full of bacon and egg and threw everything in garbage.

"I don't eat trash." He said and walked out. He walked out from the hotel. I stay stilled shock and waiting for myself to recover. I sighed and walked towards the living with my shoulders down. I decided to watch television while waiting again for Alexander to arrive at the suite. I watched Netflix movies until I slept in the couch.

I woke up feeling so comfortable lying on the bed I can'y remember myself that I slept in the bed but what I remembered was I slept on the couch. I looked at the clock and I was shocked that I slept for more than twelve hours. It was past 7'o clock in the evening. I went outside the room hoping that Alexander was there already. And I seem him in the dining table eating a fast food dinner. I walked towards the bar stool and sat on it. I watched him eat his dinner.

"What are you doing?" He asked with one brow raised. He was so sexy doing that.

"Waiting for you Xander. I want to get my  service payment last night and this morning." I said truthfully.

"Eat. Well tackle it later." He said while pointing the chair in front of him that I must take. I grabbed the fried chicken, scoop a mountain of rice and eat with my hands.

"Careful? Didn't you take your breakfast and lunch this day?" He asked and I nodded as an answer. He slammed the table making me jolted and stare at him.

"You should have eat. Your stomach is empty the whole day!? You might get ulcer." He  angrily said.

"Its ok Xander I get used to it. I usually ate once a day often due overworking for money." I said to and continued feeding myself.

"Where's your husband?" He asked with a bitter tone. I was shocked by his question but I managed to answer but not stating everything what happened almost 9 years ago.

"He died in a car accident." I answered him and looked at my food avoiding to look someone who gave pity lookm but it seems he didn't pitied me.

"Good that your husband died." He ruthlesssly said while I clench my fist into ball. "If he didn't die I can't fuck you by now." He told me blankly as if it was a plain and boring topic.

"I'm done thank you." I was finish eating dinner. By this time I was so full like I'm going to throw up anytime."Your payment so that I can leave early and avoid interrupting your works or other errands." I said.

"Let us wait for my lawyer?" He said it with no emotions.

"A lawyer? As far as I know I'm an escort. You will just pay me everytime we'll meet up or have sex." I wanted to burst out of laugh but I forced myself not to laugh because his face remained  stoic.

"I don't trust a woman like you." It was a slap on my whole being. He does not trust a woman like me. A whore. I was lost of words I gulped the bulge in my throat and nodded.

In a few minutes an old man. Entered the suite. We settled on the living room. The attorney handed me three papers a contract of being an escort of Alexander De Valle. I read few details before signing it includes that I must not have another man to sex in the span of time where I was Alexander's escort while he was allowed to have affiliation with other women and some are not important. I signed the three copies.

"Mr. De Valle will deposit the money in your account. You can do anything with your money as long as it is legal and does not violate the agreement." The

"Ms. Harvejo any means of violating the contract rules Mr. De Valle has his right to get back what he gave to you such as moneys or properties and he will have the power to sue you." The lawyer formally said.

"Ok Sir." I answered while tilting my head up and down.

I signed it so this mean I will be an Alexander De Valle's toy.


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