Chapter 20

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Stella Ryana's POV

I was heading towards our home. I was so happy. Smile plastered on my face. I was so happy to announce and reveal the news to Alexander. I was riding a cab towards the mansion. I don't want drivers and security guards to monitor me around. I let Manong Riley have his vacation with his family. So I rode a cab back and forth from my destination, St. Jude Medical City.

I was started to doubt that I'm pregnant when I hated the smell of cheese even if is my favorite food. I decides to check to an obe-gynecologist. And it was confirmed. I am positive pregnant.

I entered the house with 5 paper bags containing the ingredients I'm going to bake and cook. I placed the the paper bag on the counter island. All of the staff in the house were not here I let them have vacation leave and thjs will be a private time for my husband Alexander. I started boiling the flat noodles, slicing  and mincing ingredients, mixing sauces and preparing the next dish. Sweat profusely flow down from my forehead to my shirt. I was busy cooking when somebody shouted that made me startled.

"STOP THAT BITCH!" I was shocked when I saw his face. It was Jason Haravejo. My ex-fiance who cheated me  before. I ran from our wedding when I was about to sag 'I do' because the screen flashes a sexual activity of him with her bestfriend.

"What are you doing here Jason?" I asked him with my body shaking and sweat dripping down in fear.

"I have a favor that I want you to do." He was so calm when he said to me with the gun pointing directly at my head.

"What is it?" I am willing to do everything. I don't want to die this time that I am going to have a baby.

"REALLY?" His face flashed in excitement. He is crazy. He must not be here outside roaming around he must be in a mental asylum.

"I want you to write this now!? Or I will just kill you!" He pulled the trigger of the gun with his finger and shoot.

"AHHH!" I screamed in panic with my tears flowing down.

"Please do not kill me Jason. I'm carrying a child please do not kill us." I was seeking for his mercy but it didn't affect him despite he grimaced and threw a ball pen and a paper at me.

"Ohhh! So you have a reason to write that letter fast cause if you will be a slow poke then I'll see a blood scatters on the floor.

I opened the letter in no seconds. And I was reading the letter when a tear escaped from my eyes. I can't write this. I can't!


I fell out of love and I felt choked just because I can't bear you child. We are completely different. You came from an elite family and I came from a poor family and I was an orphan I don't have a family who create and bore me. We are not compatible there are more ladies who can fullfill what I can't and don't worry for my whereabouts and situation. I'm with Jason he will take care of me the same as how I'm being cared by you. We are the same, he not from the elite class people. When I'm with him I felt like I should not wear a mask. He is my relief, refuge and my..
freedom. So please if you love me set me free Alexander. I'm begging you I can't take it anymore to be with you is a prison for me. So please set me free I'm already happy with him. I already signed the divorce paper and the paper was place beneath this letter. So I guess this is a good bye and thank you for everything Alexander. Just wait until the right time there will be someone for you which will be exactly for you.


Uncontrollable pool of tears stream down to my cheeks. I can't do this.
I don't want to this My heart ignite in pain.

"I will not write that letter." I said trying my voice to be stoic despite I'm weak this time.

"WRITE OR DIE!" He growled at me that made me jerked in my position.

But stayed still and cried in silent. I was croaching on the floor with my face facing on the foor. The floor was already wet with tears.

"I SAID WRITE THAT LETTER OR I'LL KILL YOUR BABY!" He shouted at me harshly that made me grabbed the pen and paper quickly.I was writing against my heart while Jason was grinning evily. Every stroke of the pen I done clenched my heart and broke into pieces. While I was writting the tears continue to flows down that made the paper I used wet with tears.

"Faster! Go out and ride on my car!" He pointed the gun at me while forcing me to go outiside. "Go inside or I will pull the trigger." I don't have any choice but to follow him instead. I don't want my baby to be killed. I was sobbing inside the car. I can't move or make an act that will loss his temper and pull the trigger of the gun pointing at me. He turned the engine on and drove away from the village

My eyes are swollen already. Cheeks with dried tears. I was sitting on the car silently and fragile while Jason was continueing driving with his other hand was still holding the ghn pointed at me. My mind was flashing different scenes. Maybe Alexander had red the letter already and believed what was written on the paper. He loathed me already foe the thought all have for him was a fake love. I cried again silently avoiding any noise that will catch Jason's attention. I was worried for Alexander and my baby. Alexander hated me already and the baby can't witness how magnificent the woeld was because of her mother who isa failure in protecting him/her. But no matter happens I love them eternally. I was in deep thoughts when a loud horn of truck met my ears. I opened my eyes and the truck was going to hit us but it was avoided but I felt the car was rolliing down. Strong impacts meet my body.



I hugged myself. I guess thus will be the end of my life. 'I'm sorry' I mouthed those words while hugging myself. I felt sorry for Alexander for knowing something wrong and toy baby that I didn't even let him/her open his/her eyes and witness the besuty of the world but this is the end.

A last tear escaped from my eyes.

I'm sorry.

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