Chapter 4

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Stella Ryana's POV

It's been a month already after I met Kuya Tino and Ate Lita and let us stay in their home. They treated us a part of a family and not even once they treated us an outcast. They showered us a parental love I've been missing for. In exchange of their kindness I helped them do the household chore and manage their small catering business. I've been always asking for forgiveness to them for being a burden for them but they keep insisting that I am a blessing for making their business boom.

And for Pilo, he's still adorable and charming. Ate Lita helped me always in terms of taking care of Pilo and she keeps on giving me an advice about motherhood. She help me sang lullabies and play with Pilo. She's being a sweet and caring grandmother fot Pilo.

The couples have their children but they sepsrated lives when their two daughter migrated in US and lived their with theis husbands but still their daughters were supporting them in terms of financial and maintenance for their medical conditions. And their two daughters, Alessa and Alycia gladly accepted me in their family.

And in my condition, I was still recovering with my selective amnesia. Every night I kept on having a dream were everything was blurred but I can say that I was happy in my dreams. I was genuinely smiling with a man. Hae was happy too. It looks like were enjoying each others company. Every night I kept dreaming of him and every time I woke up after that dream I was smiling and crying. I'm not sure that if it was Jason because base on the facial bones it seem it was not Jason.

"Dear are you day dreaming again?" Ate Lita faced me and wave her hands

iming to get my attention and she successfuly got it.

"Are you thinking again about the man in your dreams?" She curiosly asked me.

I just shrugged but it seems she knew what I'm thinking inside. Her face softened. "Dear your husband is already dead."

"But Ate Lita I'm not sure if he is the man that keeps bothering in my dreams and part of me keep telling that he's an important man in my life." I said while the three of us wander aroun the mall. Kuya Lito was carrying Pilo who was getting bigger and heavier everyday.

"Well if you say so Dear. He might be a person you forgot due to your amnesia but I am sure in no mean time you will regain your memories back." Ate Lita assuringly said and Kuya Tino nodded too. They are right in no mean time I will have my memories back but how long will be that in-no-mean-time a year, decade, or until I die I didn't regain yet my memories. My mood abruptly went down. My face downcasted at the moment. I felt someone patted my back. The couple gave a symphatizing gaze. They comforted me until I was cheered up.

We made a bond such as wandering the mall, looking for clothes specially clothes for Pilo, scannig and buying items that can be used in the house. After wandering and shopping around the mall we proceed at McDonalds and have our lunch. We ordered bucket of chicken, fries, apple pie and drinks. While eating our lunch I fed Pilo using a baby bottle with my milk inside it. After having lunch in McDonalds. We tackle for a few minutes then we went outside. We decided to ride a cab. While riding in the cab I felt a little pain in my stomach. Until the pain grew bigger that I can't endure it anymore. I hold my stomach and screamed in pain. I look at Pilo who is crying out loud now, Ate Lita and Kuya Tino looked so worried in my state.

"Go to the nearest hospital and drive faster please." Kuya Tino commanded the driver.

"Hold on Stella. We'll reach the hospital as soon as we can." Ate Litas face was getting more pale as she observed my state which is in unbearable pain.

I keep on screaming while holding the part of my stomach I felt where the pain set aside. My vission starts to blurry. Ate Lita slightly slaps my cheeks to make me awake and avoid passing out but she failed. My vision turned black and I fainted.

"Hon what should we do now. We can't afford her maintenance and she's hardly striving for Pilo's food and now this will come? How can we help her if we can't afford the treatment and medications" I heard a females voice who's talking to someone else.

I slowly open the lids of my eyes. Tge first thing I saw is the white ceilings green curtains, calm ambiance and the place smells like a bleached thing. I must be in a hospital. Oh my gosh I fainted. Where is Pilo? My baby boy?
I abruptly sit up from the hospital bed

"Pilo? Pilo? My baby boy? Where is he?" I asked in three consecutive times while my tears are building up and ready to flows down to my cheek

"Dear be careful!" Ate Lita shouted softly. "Don't worry Pilo is here." Ate Lita added then Kuya Lito handed Pilo to me.

"Pilo!" I gently hugged Pilo, kissed his forehead and swung him in my arms.

"Uhm Dear I have something to tell you but promise do not freak out?" I was consumed with fear as Ate Lita asked me not to freak out on her revelation but what is it.

"What is it Ate Lita? Is there something about me?" Kuya Tino and Ate Lita nodded and sorrow is visible in their faces.

"Huh? Tell me what is it Kuya and Ate!?" I'm starting to get panic and anxious. I hugged Pilo tighter but I make sure that he can still breathe.

"Calm down Dear, Hon help me here." Both of them came near by me and tried to ease the panic building inside me but it failed it grew bigger as they comforted me.

"Stella..." Kuya Tino paused and looked at Ate Lita waiting for her approval to reveal it and Ate Lita nodded and then she looked down.

"You have stage 4 colon cancer" I was stiffed for a second waiting for myself to absorb everything I heard. Did I hear it right? I have menacing disease and the worst part it already stage 4, the last stage which means I'm going to die. I can't die yet who will take care of Pilo. I'm enjoying the parenting life and it is hard to leave Pilo. I still don't want to die specially I still can't remember the forgotten memories of mine. I'm not yet dome in this world. I can't die lacking the fragments of precious memories.

A single tear fell from my eye until it was followed by generous ammount of tears falls down that made the hospital gown's collar wet. I hugged Pilo like I'm going to be gone forever.

"No! This is not true? I guess this is an advance happy birthday prank? You can't fool me." I said while trying to smile that reaches my eyes and make a fake laugh to ease the atmosphere and my anxiety. But the expressions in their face stay stilled. Sorrowful.

"You really had a cancer Stella." I have a colon cancer Kuya Tino said with his eyes that can't stare my eyes back. What am I going to do with myself and Pilo? I overheard Ate Lita and Kuya Tino's talk. They can't afford the upcoming medical expenses. I felt that I was just really a total burden to them. I don't want to be abusive to them. Just doing chores and helping th eir business is not a reasonable act in exchange of their life worthy help.

I now I'm goinàg to die anytime. I dont want to ÀqqqA their expenses. It js enough they let us stay and took care oWqf us for month. I need someone to take care Pilo someone who can provide his needs. I don't wat Pilo felt he is a burden and I don't want them to strive harder inorder for them pass life travails.

I have to sacrifice.

Sacrifice my life and my light.


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