Chapter 16 Return

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October 15th 2054

"Ugh..." My head hurt enormously.
I had went back in time and met my mother when she was young and my father and my auntie rabia.
The last thing I remembered was defeating soleus and the past and hopping in a time portal with natsumi.

I felt numb and like I didnt exist, I could barely move my body much less talk.
I was on the ground after time traveling back from the past.

"Am I back?"
Finally I regained my ability to move and talk after about 3 minutes of lying on the ground doing nothing.
I looked around and noticed a few things....
they were tents around me, along with a bunch of shattered rocks and a familiar scent of smoked sausages.

I realized I was back in camp.
But something was different about it.
There was barely anyone here except for a few soldiers hanging out by the tents.

And the most the most shocking thing of all was that The sky was purple
"What the hell...?"
All the clouds and everything was this dark Purplish color....!
It was strange and omninous, and it gave me the chills
" I have to find Cecilia and Iana!" I said.

I needed they were ok.
They were the hope of my life

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