Chapter 8 scouting

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I had decided to scout ahead for everyone, and check the enemy encampment
I had binoculars on and was looking at the scum 
There were five of them and they were in a Lot behind a building
"Hey Boss, I caught i Live one for you!" One of the henchmen said
She then Pushed a meek and shy girl right into Their bosses lap.

The girl was black haired and small, she had on a all black dress like a widow and was terrified of her situation, it made me mad to see such a girl like this.
"P-Please dont hurt me!" She said Meekly
The savage beasts around her just laughed
"Oh no girly. We're not gonna hurt ya. We're gonna make ya feel pleasure!"  He said to her
He Smacked  her Bottom .
"Please stop!" she yelled
"Monsters......." I said to myself
I want to help her.... But I knew if I acted to soon it could endanger the whole mission.

"Man, For a youngling you sure are curvy!" He said to her 
He started to touch her bottom, 
"I said, S-STOP!" she Screamed
She then balled up her first and Punched her assaulter, It looked like it hurt his nose
"Gah....!" He said in pain

"You really shouldnt have done that now girl!" he warned
He then Took out a knife!!!
"Shit I have to go now!"
I cant wait any longer.... if I dont go now she'll die!
I put my binoculars away and lept to a closer building. I then pulled out my sword and began to descend from the building,
I need to save that girl!

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